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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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Viewing 2 replies - 736 through 750 (of 751 total)
  • drumjack52

    Has there been any movement on this renaming deal?

    And along with that – how about being able to move mixer channels so like all the toms are together so when you add a tom you can not only rename it but move it to show it’s relation to the other toms?

    aka musicman691 on other forums
    Superior Drummer 3.3.7
    Death and Darkness 1.0.1
    PT 2021.6
    OSX 10.13.6
    3.46 GHz hex core 2012 MacPro 48 gig ram


    Agree. Just got a new laptop and have to install multiple libraries and countless updates. Too many clicks and passwords to count.

    Love the software, but the installation and update process sucks. Take a cue from Softube, Native Instruments, Arturia, and others. Simply “update all” and the magic happens without user intervention. You have so many products now that I think this is a necessity!


    The problem with Arturia’s way is if you don’t have ‘silent install’ enabled you have to deal with multiple clicks for each update. That would be almost tolerable if the clicks to ok something were all in the same place.

    Operating system: macOS High Sierra (10.13)

    aka musicman691 on other forums
    Superior Drummer 3.3.7
    Death and Darkness 1.0.1
    PT 2021.6
    OSX 10.13.6
    3.46 GHz hex core 2012 MacPro 48 gig ram

Viewing 2 replies - 736 through 750 (of 751 total)

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