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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • DPTrainor

    Thanks juicy. I can see taking out the mid and far – which would create ambiance – too wet. But, why would O/H and close miking cause reverb? Just asking. Dan


    Sorry. I was reading through the post and it caught me the wrong way. Its all good.


    Diller is correct on all accounts. Why in the world would you argue endlessly with a customer? Listen to him – he is correct. He can hit both the bell and the bow of the hat with the tip. Or any other object for that matter. Even the tip if you are accurate enough. You guys should have more respect. Your nomenclature is fundementally flawed. And you are defending it. Listen to his honest and respectful feedback and modify the the next revision of the manual – it is confusing, in that you are using the anatomy of a stick to describe the anatomy of a cymbal. It is fundementally wrong. You guys have written great software (love it), but you need to communicate with more respect. And write better documentation, otherwise you are going to continue to get endless support questions. Thank you and Best Regards, DPT.

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