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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • dlroworld

    I’ll start looking for a different program to use. Thanks. Two stars.


    I honestly have no idea what DAW and ASIO I am using, nor do much care right now to have to learn about any of that shit. All I do is just open up EZD2 by double clicking on the icon on my desktop and then I just start using it. All I want is be able to activate one drum by hitting a KEY, and another drum by hitting a different KEY, NOT to be required to click on every drum with the stupid mouse. Which options WITHIN THE PROGRAM allow me to do that. The second part of your post is utterly useless because I did not ask for any advise on HOW to construct drum track in the program. What I asked was how to activate use of the keyboard. If I have to fuss and tinker around with third party applications in order to accomplish what I want to do then I am going to be quite seriously disappointed.


    Okay so I got my refund yesterday and called my bank to cancel the dispute.


    @Scott said:
    The person that handles refunds has been on holiday. He is back on Monday and it will be taken care of. An email explaining this has been sent to you.  

    Okay. However, FYI, I haven’t gotten that email as of yet. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on my email inbox though and as soon as the refund process is initiated I’ll call my bank to cancel the dispute.


    @juicy said:
    “Just a reminder that I pissed away almost $200 of my own money on a product that you guys never sent me.”

    Who else’s money would it be dude, Some one else’s.

    I forgot to tick auto register or something like that on Progressive Foundry and it didn’t automatically show up (like normal) and asked here
    ( albeit not in the middle of a holiday) Even if the Bot and Scott are around not all TT are around at that time.
    But they got me sorted, it required patience not insults for a day and not buying it a 2nd time which would make it even harder.
    Chill, Just make some music it won’t need any disputes. TT are not in the business to do wrong by ppl.
    By the way i have about 20 plus SD2 and EZD2 in titles, never once have i had any problem, like you imply, Not Luck just the way it is.  

    LOL! Not sure what personal benefit you gain from your very own decision to get your pantsies crumpled up into a sad wet mess on somebody else’s accord. I had every reason to believe that my money was stolen on some shoddy site. Money was taken out of my account, no product appeared and there were ample reports of people losing money on this site in the past (my bank notified me today that they’ve had many problems with that *overseas* account in the past). So far, support has been acting just like the people why you have to try and deal with when you try to cancel those supplement/subscription/scam/internetmoneytrap thingies that people frequently make the mistake of falling into, thus, further enforcing my notion that I may have lost money on a shoddy site. I do believe I have reason to be concerned.


    One week….



    I just tried to send them another message but got the same error message.

    Just a reminder that I pissed away almost $200 of my own money on a product that you guys never sent me.


    I just called my bank to file a dispute on this payment. This is the VERY FIRST TIME in my 31 years that I’ve EVER filed a dispute with my bank over any transaction of any kind. I have NEVER had this bad of an experience with any online service EVER!

    Thanks for your help, Scott. If the incompetent imbeciles over at support ever do muster up the wherewithal contact me and give me a refund I will call my bank right away and abort the dispute process.


    This is EXACTLY THE SAME problem that I am having. I actually DID have to pay twice in order to receive ONE product. I am now trying to receive a refund but support has been very unresponsive. To say that I am quite annoyed about this is an understatement. I am 31 years old and this may be the very first time that I will have to dispute a payment through my bank.

    Also, no I did not receive an email with a serial number on it nor did I have any idea that the procedure involved registering or looking for an email with a serial number on it.


    I’m still waiting to hear back from support. I’m wondering what form their message will come in. Will they be emailing me or calling me on the phone or what?


    nm= Never Mind. I sent a second message just before you sent a reply to my initial message.Anyways, I did send support a message, but got this instead: “‘Error: 422 Unprocessable Entity'”




    I had to order the program and piss away the $179 *TWICE* before it would let me download ezdrummer2. I need a refund on the first order or else I will be filling a dispute with my bank on BOTH orders.

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