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  • Daniel Hildebrand

    And altering the velocity settings within the Roland module from beyond the factory settings is not particularly helpful/realistic considering, if you want to revert to playing the module sound bank, you’d have to go it and change all the velocity profiles back for each trigger (right?). For the cost, this should be plug-and-play with a high-end drum module.

    Daniel Hildebrand

    I don’t get it either. I’m struggling with my Roland TD-50 getting the dynamics close to playable using the base ‘Roland’ e-drum setting as a starting point.

    The velocity scaling seems out-of-whack. To my ears, the ‘normal’ hit level sounds on SD3 samples aren’t until ~100-115 velocity but this is completely unrealistic for E-Drums where if you have it set up correctly, you’re average (normal) hit velocity should be around 64, i.e. right in the middle of your overall 0-127 available dynamic range, in order to ensure you have the ability to get louder/softer. If the ‘normal’ sound is close to the max, where do you go from there? Somebody please make sense of this. I feel like I’m missing something fundamental.

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