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  • djangoparker

    Yes, brush taps/hits as well as swirls.

    Thanks Scott. That’s what I wanted to know, that I can add different combinations of brush attacks and swirls instead of only being able to use one at a time for ezdrummer 2.

    I appreciate it. So, I’ll need to get the add on for the jazz expansion to do that, correct?


    The Jazz EZX has brush swirl articulations. I think the Big Band EZX does too but I’m not at my studio computer to check.

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for replying. I saw that the jazz expansion has the swirl for brushes. My main question is, will I only be able to use swirling or will I be able to add brush hits as well, like common drummers do, on and off with the swirling/circular patterns? Is that something ezdrummer 2 can accomplish or only superior drummer 3 can do that?





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