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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Norbert Dingemann

    Hi John and Scott,
    apparently the EZX was not loaded properly. I tried it again with a richt click on the orange preset loader menu. Although the EZX had been registered and authorized before, I was once again asked to authorize it. After having done that it worked as it should. Smile
    Thanks for your help.
    Greetings from Germany

    Norbert Dingemann

    I have installed and activated the software but I still cannot access none of the the sounds. I have also installed all the updates available, sttill it does not work. From tomorrow morning I will be on a holiday for 1 week. After getting back home again I will contact you again.

    Norbert Dingemann

    Thanks for answering so quickly. When I installed the Vintage Rock EZX I was not asked for the registration code although the installation itself was marked as successful. So I will try to install it again. If the problem is solved then, it’s ok, otherwise I will ask you again,

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