I want to preview and add tambourine grooves while using a Superior Drummer 3 kit. I have added a tambourine from the Latin Percussion library as an x-instrument (add/future hits/tambourine).
When I find a groove I like (same library Henrick attached a screen shot of), it plays cymbals. Often, because of this issue, I open another instance of SD3 and load Latin Percussion. When previewing Tamb grooves it works and is mapped in a common sense way (articulations next to one another). If I drop the groove onto my song, it works.
But I don’t want to keep working between two SD3’s. With the Tamb as an x-instrument, I can alter the midi mapping. However, how do I know what midi notes to assign to perform the tambourine midi groove I want to preview? And one I eventually want to add? They don’t line up to be able to be previewed in the Grooves Tab.
I can manually draw in a tambourine groove…but there got to be a way to synch my aux percussion with the Grooves Tab.
I tried this all with a tambourine from the Superior Drummer 3 library…same results.
Thanks for any insight here.
iMac 10.13/UAD Apollo Twin/Studio One 3.5.6/SD3/Trilian/Passionate seeker of diamond-in-the-rough guitars.
This post was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by dd w.
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