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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Ilja Körrer

    Hi there!!!
    That’s my wish for years!!
    The only reason I haven’t updated to SD3 is to save the money for an upcoming Drumbrain, that serves real natural sounding drums, like maybe the GEWA G9 Workstation that will be launched in September i think. The reason I use E-Drums is to be very flexible on stage regarding the song and what it needs. The Audience deserves to get the sound of a song as near as possible to the original. For me as a TOP40 Band Drummer, you need to be up with the needed sound in a second, especially live on stage.
    Also with some ridicolous Sounds 😉 . . . . or real E-Sounds for som Club-, R&B Dance and House Stuff.
    You at Toontrack do such a great job with your sounds and libraries that are really outstanding! So please think about doing as wished a thousand times, by a thousand drummers.
    Why do you think, that such a lot of Drumcompanies come up with Drumbrains that have VST based Sounds?!???
    The market for a flexible system is much bigger than you think.

    I agree with GT_4, we need something affordable, good sounding, opensourced VST-Player for Liveperformance!!!!!
    Yours Ilja

    Ilja Körrer

    This is maybe a phanomenon . . . . I always have the same Problem by using just the sounds form the module without SD.
    When I playback a Songpattern from my Roland TD-30 to check out a specific Set in my Bank, the Set sounds much louder as if it l is played live with my Sticks.
    Even if I hit the hell out of the drumset. Nobody could give me a Assertion so far . . . . .

    Ilja Körrer

    Yes, just use the x-drum function.
    You’ll have do this any way because of your bid fat kit you want to realize.
    There are a lot of videos on youtube that describe all this.

    Greets ilja

    Ilja Körrer

    Hi there,
    I think the company is called “Presonus” and they built very good Audiointerfaces.
    You can also take a look at Focusrite, MAudio.
    Just in case you need some more Info.

    Cheers and good Luck!!

    Ilja Körrer

    My suggestion is to get yourself a Headphone-Amp or a little mixer for a few bucks.
    That is what I did and I’m happy with it.
    I don’t know how powerful your PC is, but the more effective but also expensive way is to get you an Audiointerface.
    This will lower the latency (depends on how much money you spend on it), and you can control the volume.
    You wil find more infos to this on other threads in this forum.

    Greets Ilja

    Ilja Körrer

    does your answer also mean, that if Ihave a steady running Installation of Superior under Yosemte,
    I can run an update to Sierra without any issues?
    Or do have to run a new Installation with he Product Manager?
    Greets Ilja

    Ilja Körrer

    Hi Mike,
    you can’t answer this question in general. It really depends on your needs.
    Before you puchase anything, you should take your time in testing what is comfortable for you and your playing.
    Some guys can’t get used to playing rubber pads or meshheads etc.
    There is also the possibility to use triggers on your general drumset.
    The most triggers on the market are sensible enough to transmit your nuances in playing.
    Than it depends on which module you use. If you browse through the communities on the net, you will see that the oppinions are veeeery different on what you need and what’s the best.
    I would always invest in a hgher leveld E-Drum, cause you also have the ability to you use the drunbrains sounds as well in combination. This can be very interesting.
    But you can also invest in such triggers like Versatrigger, who have their own computerbased Triggersoftware and “wireless!” Triggers for Triggering any VST Software or Host.
    Just take a look.

    I personally use Rolandstuff. Some older PD-100 and PD-120 that I pimped myself to Stereotriggerpads, and a TD-30 as a module. The Reason for this is that I also need a good sounding module for live Performance in a TOP40 Band.

    If I can help with any further informations, just ask.
    Yours Ilja

    Ilja Körrer

    Hi Victor,
    sounds for me like a damdaged Midicable!
    Espacially because there is more than one issue going on.
    I think if you take a look on the recorded Midi-Informations you wil see that the CC Information of the HiHat isn’t recorded right.
    Does this happen all the Time at the same position in your Song while you’re playing it back?
    Or does it occur in random Positions in your song?


    Ilja Körrer

    Hi Guys,
    I think this is really a Mainstage Problem!
    I don’t know what’s wrong but I only had this Problem in Mainstage.
    Checked the Roland Midi Preset in TT Solo and in Reaper and it worked fine!
    Only Mainstage gives me that problem.
    That’s why I changed to Reaper.
    @Procman: why do you want use Mainstage? Just to change between different Drumsets on demand?
    Or do you also want to do some Soundtweaking??
    If you just want to change between different Drumsets, you can manage this also in TT Solo.
    If you want to know how, just let me know 😉
    Are 16 Sets enough??

    Greets Ilja

    Ilja Körrer

    Hi Procman,
    I describe the the exact way I did it last time, but in first (sorry for that question), did you choose your Audiointerface as the Output in the Preferences in Mainstage?
    If you did, okay, you can go to the next step.
    Now you create all the channels (at least your 10 you described) you desire in the Mainstagesurface.
    Now you can root your SD-Channels (or Busses) to the single Mainstagechannels as wanted.
    Remember that there is a offset in the chnannelnumbers, becuase the first channel is the channel your SD is imported to.
    So you will have to start with rooting the Kick to channel 2, Snare to 3 and so on.

    Than, in your Mainstagesurface you change the output of each single channel from Master to your desired Audiointerfacechannel.
    I just managed it this way with my RME Fireface UC. Okay, the channelnames you created in TotalMix don’t appear in the Mainstageoutputlist.
    They are called channel Out 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on.
    Hope that helps. because for me it worked perfect that way.
    If you have any further question don’t hesitate to ask me.
    Even over twitter if you want.

    Regards Ilja

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