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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Ilja Körrer


    Yes had the same experience. If you just use your setup for practise, you could create a seperate Kick Bus for subkick frequencies and adjust the amount as you wish.

    For Livesituation I use a xr18 as a submixer for my monitoring. The channels from sd3 come as seperated channels and I can build my monitormix via diffetent busses as I like, FOH gets a Stereomix out of xr18 Mains. Works perfect!


    Thanked by: Ryanrrr
    Ilja Körrer


    they are absolutely top notch and very kind!! Also the drums they make are very good!!! Go and check them out!!👍


    Thanked by: Fendrix
    Ilja Körrer

    That’s a dream we all are dreaming, but won’t come true. One Problem is that you need to preload the sets to minimize the loadingtime for live perfornance.

    I solved this all in using gig performer where you can load several instances of superior drummer and call them by a midi command from my module. But even this takes a lot of performance of your computer.

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Cheers Ilja

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