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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • David Casas

    Hi Swathe, I’ve been using EZDrummer 2 for a couple months, I don’t think there’s a fix for that hiss. However, that’s a problem only for the default kits. I’ve purchased some EZ Expansions and none of them had that problem, it’s just the way the default kits were recorded.

    For anyone into rock, I’m particullary happy with the “Rock Solid!” and “Pop/Rock” EZXs

    David Casas

    Just activated my EZD2 demo yesterday, everything was fine on the speakers, the presets sounded really good, I loved it, thought it was really what I needed… Then today I put on my headphones loud and… I noticed the insane ammount of noise/hiss tail that some of the drums have! Specially the kick. Load the “Prog Rock”* preset, and without changing any setting, try to do a blast beat on the kick with your mouse, then stop, you’ll notice all the noise from each hit stacking up to huge ammounts. I guess this can be tamed with a gate, and some other presets, such as the “Tight”, doesn’t suffer from this, the noise is barely noticeable there. However I think this a very bad design of samples for a 150€ product, I understand that these samples are pre-processed, but then the noise should have been tamed too… I tried the AD2 demo aswell and their drums don’t do that, however I still think that EZD2 drums sound better, specially for my genre, but the noise thing is a major turn off… I don’t really know what drum library to get anymore since all of them seem to have major pros and cons. I have NI’s Studio Drummer but their presets suck and they don’t have any kick or snare sound I like, however they have a hold and decay knob for each drum that let you tame the tails of the hits.

    In short, I’d insta-buy EZD2 if it weren’t because I noticed the noise thing today… now I really have to think about it. Anyway, thanks for the demo

    *edit: the “Power Batter” preset has even more noticeable noise tail

    Update: I just noticed a fun thing, changing the pitch of the drum inside of EZD2 does NOT change the pitch of its hiss/noise. But if you solo that drum’s channel, the hiss is still there! So maybe the samples are fine and the noise thing is related to the internal sound engine… I hope they look into it

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