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  • David Snow

    I bought the latest EZ drummer last year, even bought it “early bird”. I don’t use it. Wanna know why? Because Toontrack has failed to make their storage libraries user friendly or intuitive! First off, like is stated herein, you cannot move stuff easily with the app. But worst of all, you cannot have the libraries spread out over several drives. My virtual inst. library is full, NO room for the new EX drummer 3 or whatever it was. (I’ve never used it).

    For me to use the new EZ drummer, with all the expansions I have, Id need to mover EVRYTHING to a new drive, even my old libraries of toontrack stuff. Then, every song I open will be searching for the drums. Toontrack, please make your software more user friendly when it comes to storage and drive management and capability!

    Operating system: macOS Mojave (10.14)
    David Snow

    “We will probably make it possible to change the path in PM too in the future.”



    David Snow

    Wow this sucks Bro I really hate hate hate that your product manager. It does NOT show any dropdowns to change products path after moving things to new SSD drives. Ive been all around this terrible terrible product manager, and tried re directing things in the stand alone apps themselves. Some limited success but I want everyone here to know toon track has a terrbile problem with their lame product manager. It is 1/2 baked. Some things can be fixed in the apps by redirecting, rarely, other can be redirected under Installation info, and usually, moving things to a new location or computer results in the RIDICULOUS need to reinstall, for me, 57 librarys!  YOUR INSTALLATION MANAGER SUCKS! Redesign the damn thing to make it EASY for users to redirect to new SSDs and redesign your product to not lose its mind when moving libraries around. SUCKS!


    Thanked by: guerrajma and erenk80
    David Snow

    Hey guys, is this function broken again?! Show website midi saying software update require but all software up to date. Please advise

    David Snow

    I totally agree! Anyone know where we can find pieces of endings now?

    David Snow

    Thank you Olof. I still recommend you guys program a more practical algorithm to allow users to simply get the exact sounding mix in stems without re-routing. In the case of needing a operate output for each track, the system could just do this automatically, without the user having to manually re route and then UN re route. Don’t you agree that an exact replica SOUND-wise, would be a common need and want from users?

    Personally, I see almost no need to bounce stems the way SD3 is currently programmed. I get the drums to sound great inside SD 3 before wanting stems. I do not want to lose ANY of that sound I have created. I may want to “improve” it once I import it as stems, but I don’t want to have to LOSE good work , to eventually “improve” it later. Does that make sense?


    Thanked by: Drew Griffin
    David Snow

    Thanks John,
    So I finally got it to work with your last instructions on importing midi tempo map from DP. Was that information anywhere in the manual? Because I sure didin’t see much about it. But I appreciate the help for sure.

    So I have another question?

    It appears to me now, that I have 2 options on tempo maps to live drums:
    1) Make the tempo map in DP and import into Superior.
    2) Make NO tempo map in DP, but make it in superior and import it from superior into DP.
    Am I correct?

    Here is what I am wondering about:
    I have a tune at 100 bpm. I have drums in it that were played to a click and are fairly close to the beat. Do I have to make a tempo map in either program, or can I just let superior track the audio to midi, and not make beat by beat perfection out of any tempo map? I am reluctant to have and DP file with variable tempo maps unless absolutely necessary. Id appreciate your thoughts on strategy here.


    David Snow

    @Bill McCarthy said:
    David- I hear you loud and clear(no pun intended) and I too am having tremendous difficulty with bouncing tracks.

    I also tried to solo and mute track(s) and then bounce through Pro Tools but I was getting some funky results. I was eventually able to bounce a stereo mix but the db level was way too low.

    I am assuming you tried to bounce each track separately with mixer effects(wet) and the only way to do that was to create a separate output? Was it busses or outputs? Just curious?
    As you know this is new software and I am huge SD fan and I use it for a lot of my work so I am willing to be as patient as possible as these guys fix the bugs.

    Lets keep our fingers crossed!!
    Bill McCarthy  

    I created separate Outputs.- 1-2/3-4-5-6 etc. And then had to put all outputs back in original config after the audio export. But it did result in the audio sounding like it did in SD3 so I can put up with the extra effort. I just think Toontrack got this backwards and should have made programming that makes an exact sounding copy in stems without additional user routing.
    Hey Bill, my other big issue is using Tracking to turn audio drums into midi for audio reenforcement.
    Everything went fine until I tried to export the midi, and no matter what I tried, the exported midi is in the wrong place and the wrong tempo. Here is The thread if you’re interested. Good luck to you

    David Snow

    @Olle said:
    >The choice is individual parts PRE mixer, or a stereo file POST mixer.

    Bouncing through the mixer is not limited to giving a single stereo
    file as output. The mixer in Superior Drummer has 16 stereo outputs
    and all of those, that are in use, will result in a bounced file.

    >…the individually bounced parts sound way less impressive compared
    > to the George Massenberg pre sets… I get muddy, dull sounding tracks
    > instead of the nice polish George gave the tracks.

    Apart from your own explanations for this, could it be that you are
    bouncing with “All Bleed” and don’t like the effect?

    >… do you guy have any advise how to accomplish what I want?

    You can Solo each instrument and make a bounce for each of
    them as if the other drums were not played. Just remember to
    rename the output files in between so they don’t overwrite each other.  

    I tried changing “all bleed on”, and it still did NOT sound the same as the original tracks.

    The only way I was able to make an EXACT sounding set of audio, and export it, was to assign every mixer output to a different out put channel.
    That did work, thank you.
    But I must add here that, unless I am doing something wrong here, I think you guys have missed the point in your programming.
    The FIRST priority of mixing individual files down to audio, should be for it to sound EXACTLY like it sounded in Superior.
    It should NOT be a secondary option requiring a user manually re assign all outputs like I had to do.
    You are all missing the point. Someone makes a great sound set of drum in Superior and wants to get that EXACT sound in audio stems.
    The way you have it programmed now seems to be, that the “advanced” options default at a DIFFERENT sounding set of audio stems.
    I think you have it backwards.
    I would reprogram your bounce algorithms to start at an EASY way to export all tracks separately, in a way that sounds exactly like what was playing in superior. The secondary export options could be raw audio that sounds different.
    Do you get what I am saying? Please comment because I want to make sure I am doing things right?
    As I see it right now, I have to manually re assign all mixer channels to separate outputs to get an exact duplicate of what I hear in SD3. Then I have to go back and re assign all channels to where they were before making the audio stems. Do I have this correct or am I missing something?

    David Snow

    @John said:

    before you Bounce the files in Superior 3, un-check ‘Follow Host’.Then the Imported Tempo map will be applied correctly to your Bounced files.


    Hi John, I am sorry, but that one sentence answer did not work.
    Please read carefully the steps I used to create the file. As a result of my import actions, II currently have a perfectly synced up Track file, that clicks to the SD3 metronome perfectly, and that plays perfectly in sync with DP when SD3 is in the Tracker window.
    As per your instructions, I tried un-checking “follow host” in the bottom area next to SD3’s play button, it did nothing to help, the files were still badly off when imported into DP or the MID song block area. Your instructions did not include mention of any of the options involved in midi export in SD3?
    In the export area, there are MANY options, and you said nothing about how to set them?
    There are options under “Tempo”, and options under “Save selected midi as…” I don;t understand how you would;t be more specific.
    It may not matter anyway as I have tried all options once again, with the difference being I un checked “Follow Host” in the Superior play bar. Not only did the track import to the wrong bars in DP, the played super fast.

    Again, besides all the steps I wrote earlier, when creating the original Tracker midi, I had a variable tempo map in DP that was made to fit the drum audio. I merged all audio to bar 1 in DP before importing it into SD 3. I don;t know if I should have somehow imported the DP conductor tempo map into tracker? (I am not even aware if that is needed or how to do it).
    Once I imported the audio into tracker, I hit “find tempo”, and then moved the 1st SD3 bar line to the 1st beat of audio. I then manually shifted subsequent beats as per the instructions on youtube, finally ending with adjust tempo or whatever the last tempo command is that you use after manually adjusting beats.
    So I had an original tempo map in DP, and a tempo map in Superior. I have also tried both tempo options upon import INTO DP. The “ignore” midi tempo map command, and the “merge”. Neither worked.

    This is highly technical stuff, and something is wrong. I find your tutorial to be way too vague. Even in the manual it is hard to find all the export pull down menu options.
    Please give me step by step instruction, or clarify your previous comment.
    Again, the is already a variable tempo map in DP, and that map cannot be undone as all audio in DP follows it.
    I do not understand how Track and DP can be perfectly synced yet export results in such a mess.

    Thanks for you help,

    I then adjusted tons of bar lines in tracker, and had tracker

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