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  • David Levy

    @John said:
    One thing to add is that you do not necessarily need to snap a note to the Grid in the Grid Editor, you can turn off the snap and move your added note just slightly.
    If you Zoom in on the Grid, moving a note just some ticks is easy.
    Also, the Grid goes down to 64T, which is pretty small steps.


    Hi John,
    Thanks for advising of this temporary workaround, and might be ok as a temporary workaround for one or two notes per song.
    It is a lot of mouse work and clicks though for anything more than one or two notes, as this visual procedure of zooming to move notes would be very time consuming and involve a lot of inaccurate guesswork.

    Nudging notes manually with a dedicated nudge button ,
    …, which allows users to select their own Nudging preference in samples or milliseconds – is a trial and error thing also , but is way faster and accurate, as and the only visualising needed is to select the note only.
    – and from there you let your ears ‘be the boss’ as to what sounds best while you NUDGE notes either forwards or back accurately by using your left or right arrow keys, and hear the result in an instant without any zooming.

    Hopefully Toontrack will allow this to happen even while the midi file (that is being edited) is being played back in LOOP MODE Cool

    I cant wait until Toontrack add this Confused

    David Levy

    @Henrik said:
    The nudge feature won’t be implemented in the first release. This is, as you say, a very useful feature, and we will look into it as soon as we can.  

    Thank you for replying Henrik , and I am super glad Toontrack acknowledges that a NUDGE feature is not only need but seriously intends to ADD IT Cool

    My Main use with Superior Dummer as a songwriter / Composer when CREATING DRUM TRACKS
    Is I have a huge library of almost every Toontrack MIDI library available,
    .., plus many other 3rd party libraries, plus libraries I created myself

    With …, Toontracks groundbreaking ‘TAP TO SEARCH’ feature , which was first introduced in Easy Drummer 2 , this feature shaved a huge amount of man hours off the time it took me to search through my MIDI Libraries to find the appropriate MIDI file to fit my compositions

    .., and as a long time Superior Drummer 2 user .., The sole reason I purchased EZD2 , was for the Tap to find feature – and now this is in SD3 Cool

    But RARELY – Do I ever find a beat that just fits ‘just right’ .., IT ALWAYS NEEDS SOME EDITING …,
    – and this is now the most time consuming of the whole processes. (see how in the top opening post)

    as EDITING is needed for ..,

    – Adding missing notes .., but they most often need to be NUDGED slightly away from the GRID – to give them the right feel
    – or existing notes need to be NUDGED to create the best feel.
    – or notes need to be NUDGED to coincide with a NON-Tempo moment in a SONG or to align with a particular moment on FILM
    – Or Notes need to be NUDGED when a passage is played freeform and not to metronome .

    Basically – the ability to NUDGE is just as important as the ability to add edit and move the notes themselves – in any MIDI file Wink

    I cannot wait until this NUDGE feature is added as Henrik mentioned …, and will wait with baited breath .

    Until then I will still have to export all MIDI files out of SD3 for the necessary editing,
    ie; out of SD3 – to my DAWs Midi Editor for the necessary corrections (as more often than not – NUDGE is always used)
    – then re import the now edited file back into SD3 if further arranging is nessisary.

    I find un-nudged Notes tend to stick out like a sore thumb (ie; in an unmusical / negative way)

    …, but it will be a moment of breakthrough (and will be yet another huge timesaver) – just like ‘Tap to Find’ was ,
    …, when Toontrack can add Nudge to their GRID EDITOR

    David Levy

    @Scott said:

    Nobody knows for sure. And we couldn’t say if we did know…NDA and all.

    When EZX’s and SDX’s are sharing the same theme …, these are recorded from the same studio recording session , so of course they are pre-planned …,

    So therefore sound advise for the Toontrack consumer who prefers an SDX over an EZX would surly have to be (is it not) ;
    “Buyer Beware – DO NOT BUY the Country EZX” …, just in case Toontrack do release it as an SDX ?

    David Levy

    Wow …, a big thank you to all you guys at Toontrack for this added improvement with this latest update , great to see you guys are listening to your users and acting …., well done 😎

    David Levy
    David Levy

    @lordgregadeath said:

    I think the groove supplier needs to work with toontrack with their installers to install their grooves with the appropriate files config to make it available in the tap to find feature. Or if toontrack is worried about losing some income from having to buy their grooves then they should make this a buy able upgrade to have this feature especially for your own created grooves. in the end if youre purchasing grooves from PS or GM then they should have them available in the installer for tap to find

    I dont think 3rd party manufactures need to go back in history (or in the future) to give useless tags to their libraries because errr …, “tags are pointless” .

    I also protest at the thought of “paying extra” to allow EZD2 to read 3rd Party libraries ( as they should ) …, because I already own all their midi libraries , so there is no more money to milk from me for their libraries ….,

    …, also another reason is , as soon as Superior 3 is released , I will never be using EZD2 ever again . so dread the thought of spending any “more ” money on it . I always had SD 2 , and I (as with many others SD2 users) only bought EZD2 “strictly to take advantage of the search features”
    ( which as it turns out have been severely and deliberately crippled by TT at the expense of the end user Cry )

    I really do hope TT are listening to their users and give us what we all want Confused

    David Levy

    cheers John and gseshiman …, sorry , as yes I can drag from ezd2 to PT 11.2.1 …., but not back ot ezd2 from pro tools …., which is likely a DAW issue.

    I was aware of the edit play style , thx anyway John :) , I use it sometimes – and it is a great feature , as is many others in ezd2

    …., and I must add that I am originally a SD2 user , but bought ezd2 specifically for its new features that are not available in SD2 …, so yes I do appreciate the talents the toontrack guys have bought to the table with exd2

    EZD2 out of the box may almost be a near perfect product if the songwriting process involved starting of with a beat and forcing your; Riff/chords/lyrics/ melodies/ etc – around the beat …, but personally Ive always had the ideas for ; Riff/chords/lyrics/ or melodies/ etc always come first, and therefore I must mould the beat to suit that idea …., so yeah sure , there is always stacks of editing ….., like lengthening/ shortening / adding or removing hits / or shuffling hits around / changing what drum plays what and where / adding swing / ….., the list goes on ……………….,

    I’d love to see some midi editing features added so we can stay in the program (which you are aware already) and Id really love to see the search function also check our 3rd party midi libraries ( even it tags are not included with this search feature request .

    I am hoping Superior Drummer 3 comes out with all these included (when it is released) ….., I surely then will be saving mega hours of time to create my intended beats …, and will certainly be a very happy camper with all that extra free time up my sleeve ……………………, cheers guys :)

    David Levy

    @gseshleman said:
    e able to paste to anywhere I want without using the scizzor tool to cut in an opening , and as above be able to jiggle/shuffle the block if need be.
    You can paste things either from the right click menu on the track (which selects the block that you hover), leading to the fill ending up in the beginning. You can also use the track menu (3 horizontal bars on the top right part of the track). If you use paste from that menu, the content will pasted where your time marker is placed.

    This is an excellent idea …, I am often dragging my midi file/built song into different midi tracks on my DAW , and shuffling them around and doing lots of chopping and changing …., and I am always re-intoducing them back into EZD2 when I am happy .
    After this thereis always more work to do trialling new fills etc and I will then push play on my DAW ( and the midi in EZD2 will play along , but what I like is I time when to hit play (on a fill in EZD2s list of fills) …, and when I do this mutes out what is playing (ie the main drum track) so I can hear how the fill sounds – I like this feature

    …, but yes it would be great if I can do the basic building inside of ezd2 without dragging anything out unless it needs note editing

    Thanks for that tip!!! I didn’t realize that the 2 Paste commands functioned differently.

    ….., Yes good tip thank you , I didnt know about the 2nd option either.

    You are correct. I can drag grooves from EZDrummer2’s browser tab or timeline into Pro Tools 11 and Logic Pro X.
    Neither of these DAWs seem to allow dragging MIDI out of their instrument tracks to Finder, Desktop or EZDrummer2.

    ………., correct .

    – Another poster asked why dont I do everything manually in my Daw.
    …, Dude ……, EZD2 is great , there are many groundbreaking features that we use to its limits , ie; until we are then limited by it …., then we go to our DAWS midi editor to do, fix, correct, create etc – what EZD2 cant …., its a tool , that does some things great , and some not at all

    …., and thank you hendrik for your reply …, Id love to see you guys continue improving on what is already a good product …., cheers

    David Levy

    @David Levy said:

    If I want to edit the Midi , I have to export the files out of EZD2 to be dumped somewhere on my hard drive , and then imported into protools so I can access the midi editor window …,

    adding missing info (in capital letters) to this quote abovem……………………………………….,

    – If I want to edit the Midi , I have to export the files out of EZD2 to be dumped somewhere on my hard drive

    >>> OR DRAG FROM EZD2 INTO A MIDI TRACK IN PRO TOOLS <<< …., , "TO" …….., import "THE MIDI FILES" into protools so I can access the midi editor window

    David Levy

    Using EZD2 in PRO TOOLS …., is a total ” P.I.T.A ” :(

    …, What SUX is ….., If I want to edit a hit ….,

    – I have to export the Midi out of EZD2 and dump it somewhere on my hard-drive
    …, Then I have to Import the midi file from there back into pro Tools , so I can edit the file in Pro Tools Midi Editor window.

    …., then getting that Midi file back into EZD2 is the same P.I.T.A procedure , but reversed …., why oh why cant these be drop and drag straight out of EZD2 into pro Tools ?


    Thanked by: JohnLiv and Patrick Graham
    David Levy

    @aaron aardvark said:

    Thank you for replying. The audio demo for The Warehouse did not sound very different than Rock Solid EZX for me. I have never owned any SDX’s.

    Hi Aaron . If thats the case for you , then perhaps your better off sticking with the EZX just for now and just have lots of fun with EZD2 …, and down the track when you have the time to explore further and experiment and become familiar with the SDXs and what SD2 can do , you will later appreciate all the extra editing features of SD2 that is available to you….., it depends on what you want to do Aaron ? …., there are still many users who are content to stick with EXD2, its up to you :)

    I recently bought EZD2 specifically for the tap 2 search feature (which is so unbelievably cool and saves hours of search time looking for beats , but at the same time I desperatly wished it also included the ability to seach through 3rd party libraries and user libaries )

    – I also love EZD2’s song creator feature, but the Tag searching is something I rarely use though , and I do not like using tags in general …., but thats just my personal preferences.

    But the drum basic sounds in EZD2 are great on their own , but personally I dont like any of the presets , as there is also many customisable changes Id like to make to those sounds which are not available to me in EZD2.

    ………., just to give you a rough idea Aaron,

    – What I do Aaron is build up my drums tracks as best as I can using EZD2 with its great new features …., Sometimes I export midi files from it into a dedicated midi editor like in my DAW and back into EZD2 for more playing around .

    – When I am Happy , I will export the whole song file out of EZD2 into my Daw’s Midi editor for final editing chores where I can edit with ease and also add swing etc , use automation – options are endless …., and when complete I will open Superior Drummer 2 to play back that file.

    – Although superior drummer 2’s mixer and FX are fine …, I prefer to send all SD2s tracks out to their own individual Aux tracks for each drum and room mic , and give each of those tracks their own FX and sends etc using my own plug-ins rather than toontracks . Another thing is you can also shape the Drum sounds in SD2 so much more than EXD2

    – I also prefer to send all those individual drum tracks etc to a stereo drum bus to control the whole drum mix . This is just my preferred method , but you can do all this inside of SD2 if you wish to use their mixer and FX as I said earlier .

    – Once the rest of the tracking is done …, I like to record the audio coming from those SD tracks into tracks of their own (ie; print the stems) , and drag my FX over to them and finalize the mix on those tracks …., then I can make all the previous toontrack related tracks inactive to free up some CPU power as the audio is now printed to tracks (just like when you record a real drummer yourself) and these tracks are then great to help sync everything else after that to the drums that whole much easier …., but everyone has their own preferences ….., :)

    I am really excited to see whats in store for SD3.

    David Levy

    @nexttrack30 said:

    @Michael said:
    Just to be 100% clear. Toontrack MIDI was tagged by a person…. all 90,000 files. It is not calculated by a computer.
    It would be impossible for Toontrack to tag all of the nearly infinite amount of 3rd party MIDI that is out there.
    There may be a solution in the future for users to tag their own MIDI as Erik previously said in this thread: “Designing a area that allow you users to tag your own MIDI and to do so in an Easy way is not something that we wanted to rush through. We are still discussing how to implement this but it on our short list. As to when and how we figure out how to do it (easy) is another question.”

    thx for response.

    i’m not sure why tagging is so important.
    i don’t need you to tag all the 3rd party midis.

    i’m fine with blank tag column with 3rd party midis.

    is it technically impossible to include 3rd party midi to search database without tagging?
    or “tag 2 find” significantly uses tag to search midi?

    i don’t care tags if i can just find and listen similar midis with “tag 2 find”.

    i agree with colegrey that this feature is revolutionary.
    just hope i can use this feature with every midis.

    out of topic but is it possible to implement this feature to ezkeys?
    it would also be revolutionary.

    I totally agree with this comment , I dont care for tags either , and I will never use tags to look for a midi file …, tap to search does it all in one swoop , except search for 3rd party libraries , and user libraries – when indeed it should be able to …., Please toontrack give us this functionality ( without tags will be fine)

    David Levy

    @Søren said:

    …and another +1 for supporting third party midi grooves in the search area

    EZD2 search features are the best there is …, but it could be another 50% better again …………….,
    ie; 3rd party libraries and user libraries need to be searchable via – ” tap to find “

    -Pleeeeeeeeeaaaassseeeeee Toontrack please …., we dont even need the tags IMO , I never use them anyway

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