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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • David George

    OK–that’s what I wanted to clarify and is very helpful. Thanks.

    David George

    Not sure what this means. I just opened it standalone. By default the tempo knob is shown at 12 o’clock (100%). If I move it to 80%, what is that 80% of? In other words, is there a default tempo?

    David George

    Thanks–this makes sense.

    But one thing I’m not clear about is the adjustment, which is shown as a percentage: What does that represent, the % of the default tempo (like 120 bpm)?

    I wish that you could just tell it the bpm you want and then tap the part.

    Maybe I’m missing something.

    David George

    Thanks, Scott. Due to the projects I’ve been working on I haven’t used the MIDI pack or the EZX I have that much yet (or least enough to realize what’s different).

    David George

    Thanks, John–I was completely unaware of this and will definitely adopt this workflow moving forward.


    Wow–I had to come back and edit my post because my follow-up questions were obsolete!

    I went into PT and created 12 aux tracks (to match the number of mics in the EXDrummer mixer) and set them up as per the video. I use a lot of busses in general so this wasn’t an issue.

    I had to solo each track to determine what’s what as far as the tracks in the EZD mixer and how they correspond to my DAW, but within a minute I had it all figured out.

    This is truly amazing! I have sections with shaker and tambourine and I really want those to have separate EQ, etc. This gives me far more control than having everything on a single track and was so much easier than I expected. Thanks! Laugh

    David George

    Thanks so much–will check this out!

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