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  • David George

    It sounds like you might want to have a look at making adjustments to the velocities.

    I never use any clip in the native velocity: Generally they are way too powerful. By cutting the velocity on a whole clip I can get what I want, e.g., Charlie Watts instead of John Bonham.

    David George

    Keep in mind that you need not play the reggae midi when using the reggae ezx.

    For example, I do not write hip-hop, but I use the hip-hop ezx extensively.

    I also have the reggae ezx and there are some great sounds, which I use in rock all the time.

    David George

    Thanks for your reply and suggestion.

    After some trial and error, I believe I traced this to a floor tom note in the Hip Hop EZX Evident kit (midi note G1). It has a sample built into the hit and I think that was misbehaving. Initially I muted that note and the problem seemed to go away. Then I cleared it in PT and replaced it.

    I don’t know why it would misbehave, but this appears resolved.

    David George

    Thanks so much for your reply.

    @Henrik said:
    So all your MIDI is in Pro Tools, none is playing on the song track of EZdrummer 2? Make sure that Follow Host is disabled in EZdrummer 2 if you have MIDI on that track, since duplicate MIDI files may be played at the same time otherwise.

    That was the very first thing I checked. “Follow Host” is definitely disabled in EZD.

    I have a consistent workflow. Note: I tend to use more than one instance of EZD in PT.

    I create a part for an entire song, say with a Vintage kit. I save the project in EZD.

    I drag that project, clip by clip into the PT Vintage kit track.

    I then create another track in PT, and open another instance of EZD, with say, a Latin kit.

    I open EZD in that track and load the Vintage kit project. I make any changes in EZD (mostly eliminating redundant hits I don’t need). I save that project in EZD as “Latin kit.” I then drag those altered clips into the Latin track in PT.

    From there I make any additional changes directly on the individual PT track MIDI.

    This workflow has worked flawlessly on a dozen projects this year. But for some reason this time I’m getting this weird extra hit that is not shown on the MIDI. I say this because as I said earlier the problematic clip appears several times. So when I visually compare that clip in verse 1 and the copy of that clip that appears in verse 2, the MIDI is identical.

    David George

    I will. Thanks.

    David George
    David George

    Hello John,

    Thanks for your reply. Your post got me thinking that this was a Pro Tools glitch and not an EZD issue. The offending track was the Vintage kit OH track (on the attached labeled “Studio OH”). I discovered that it was playing no matter what group was soloed or muted. On the attached you’ll note that the mute button isn’t orange the way the studio snare top, studio amb, and studio reverb tracks are.

    I deleted that track a created a new one and all is fine now. It was throwing things off while mixing.


    I knew my routings were fine. They are generally complex, which is why I spend a lot of time making sure everything is correct.

    On the attached although my percussion kit (in this case Latin EZX) is soloed that Vintage kit OH (aka studio OH) was playing. I have no idea why.

    Thanks again.

    David George

    Why don’t just just add your S3 Track 2 as a separate track (or tracks if you use multichannel) in your DAW?

    David George

    To illustrate what I meant, C#2 in Latin EDX is shaker. In EZD2 Vintage that’s a crash. Again, I don’t know if this correlates to Superior.

    David George

    I use EZD 2 (not Superior), but I accomplish exactly what you describe (and I use Latin EDX too) by using multiple kits. I’m working on something right now that uses a vintage kit for the primary drums and then a Latin kit for percussion. I don’t think adding the shaker in the MIDI track of another kit would work because the note assignments would be different (shaker in Latin EDX might be something completely different in another kit). Hope this helps!

    David George

    I think to help you at all people will need to know what audio and video software you are using and what the workflow currently is.

    David George

    I don’t work with odd time signatures. But I do take existing grooves and make (sometimes substantial) changes. I will generally first make changes in EZD2 and then often make additional changes once it’s in my DAW (Pro Tools 11). The changes I make within EZD, such adding or deleting hits, are generally based on what I hear in my head. The changes in the DAW are more about making it fit into the context of whatever song I’m working on. I also like working in more than one EZX (more than one instance of EZD), which greatly increases the possibilities.

    David George

    Agreed. I’ve never tried the printing and pasting. I’ve gotten pretty used to using three instances with different elements. Thanks.

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