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  • dark_tonic

    ok, I think I got it.

    My problem was I was dragging the drum sections onto the soft synth, but not the midi track specifically. So the preview dots looked basically the same but it wasn’t providing midi input.

    After dragging the bits to the correct midi channel, it looks like it’s set as I was after:



    Hey John, thanks! That gets me part way there. I was able to do that bit myself in Cakewalk, but couldn’t figure out why the instruments didn’t map to midi keys in the piano roll.


    So in the attached image you can see I dragged my song bits into the soft synth track (mine doesn’t retain the separate drum bits, but that’s not a huge issue) but the piano midi key info doesn’t exist where I could manually move a drum hit or change the velocity of a single hit in the piano roll.

    Maybe I’m using the term “piano roll” incorrectly, I’ve only been using this app for a few days, so I’m totally new.


    are there any online tutorials or guides showing this?

    I’ve been trying to get my sequence from ezd2 to the piano roll in cakewalk and just cannot figure out how to do it. I’ve managed to drag and drop broken stuff that doesn’t work. No proper joy.

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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