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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • csnack

    I found it, it was under the Question Mark button in SD2 to the right of the Settings button, But thanks man I found it there.


    Thanked by: bobcharest

    @John said:

    did you check the included MIDI Layout PDF?
    Menu > About Sound Libraries > Latin Percussion > MIDI Layout


    Thanks, but sorry I’m not seeing this “Menu > About Sound Libraries > Latin Percussion > MIDI Layout” path anywhere in Superior Drummer 2.0. I’m looking all over and don’t see it or anything that has the “About Sound Libraries” anywhere in Superior Drummer 2.0 or Toontrack Product Manager or even the Toontrack installation folder. Where should I be looking for it exactly?


    The thing I was doing “wrong” was auditioning the loops in Sonar X3’s browser rather than SD’s browser. That’s why I was seeing all these empty folders that weren’t very neatly organized and many of which were empty and I had to click to open many before I could find some folders with loops in them – that’s why I was wanting to delete some of them lol. Sonar X3’s browser is essentially Windows’ browser and it was showing me the folders in the same way Windows Explorer would and looking at them that way they’re not very organized at all. In SD’s browser they’re very neat and easy to access. I see what you’re talking about now.


    Ah ok. Thanks guys, I understand now and I’ll not be deleting anything.


    I mean you said what they are for and I guess I just don’t know about that kind of thing. Say, what happens if I delete any of those empty folders?


    Ok then. So to help me understand then, what exactly is the purpose of, for example, the empty 400@_STRAIGHT folder in The Blues MIDI pack – what purpose is that empty folder serving exactly? Anyway, glad to know nothing is missing and thanks.


    It’s also $99 from them as well right now.


    Sweetwater has the pick and choose MIDI 6 pack. I just bought it a couple days ago from them and am trying to wisely choose my 6 now. Got Jazz MIDI and The Blues so far. But yeah, Sweetwater definitely has it. I don’t think all retailers have it and it might even be a Sweetwater exclusive, as I did read something like that regarding a Toontrack product on their site.


    Thanks for the reply gseshleman. I’m not sure what you mean by adding by custom drum mapping to Toontrack’s standard drum mapping. How is that done, or can I find that in the manual? And yes, I have defined keys for ALL of the articulations in the Avatar kit.

    In any case…

    I solved my own problem with a work-around. Here’s how I did it in case someone would search and find this helpful:

    I use Superior Drummer 2.4.2 inside of Sonar X3e. My problem as already stated was that I had created a custom drum map in Sonar X3 that involved remapping the location of the drum sounds inside of Superior Drummer via SD’s “learn” function. I did this so that I could place the drum sounds on very specific keys on my MIDI keyboard just the way I like them for easy/ergonomic playability. (The default SD NY drum map in Sonar and the default mapping in SD have the sounds sparsely placed all over the place on my MIDI keyboard and on the drum map on the screen, which I found very disorganized and some of the sounds weren’t mapped on my keyboard at all). So the remapping in SD and custom drum map I made in Sonar worked just fine — until I wanted to audition and drag and drop some of the MIDI drum loops that comes with SD. Toontrack had mapped the sounds in those loops to their own specific locations that were not sympathetic to my user-created drum map and so while auditioning the loops I would typically only hear kick drum and maybe hi hat and the rest of the sounds were unmapped/unheard or the wrong sound got triggered, like a tom instead of snare etc.

    The work-around was to use two instances of Superior Drummer; one for my user-created drum map and the other strictly for auditioning the loops – and in each instance I have a different mapping scheme; the SD instance just for auditioning has the “General MIDI” (or whatever its called) mapping preset selected so that the Toontrack MIDI loops can be auditioned and triggered correctly – and the second instance of SD has my customized mapping preset selected that works with my user-created drum map in Sonar X3e. After I audition a loop and drag/drop it to the MIDI track that corresponds with that specific instance of SD and I see/hear where the notes should be mapped, I then manually drag that MIDI data from the “audition track” to the MIDI track that has my user-created drum map on it. Then, I have to manually move some of the notes that ultimately end up “unmapped” to their correct locations in the Piano Roll/Drum Map view in Sonar. And while that’s somewhat a PITA to have to do, at least I am able to first audition the loops to see/hear where the individual drum sounds should be triggered before I manually move the loop to the other track with my user-created drum map on it where I then have to manually move some of the unmapped/wrongly mapped drum notes to the correct notes. I think this is the only way to be able to have both a user-created drum map for assigning notes to specific keys on a MIDI keyboard AND be able to audition loops from Toontrack’s MIDI packs and have them trigger correctly. If there is, in fact, another/better way then please let me know. Hope this helps someone.

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