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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Chris Staples

    Ok. Thank you Olle , I got it now. That’s the exact thing I needed.

    Chris Staples

    Any chance you guys could do a video on that so we can get it? Cheers.

    Chris Staples

    basically I’d like to have a midi learn button that doesn’t change the midi map, just the kit. That way to load a kit into SD3 that has been configured to be what I want it to be rather than having to load a midi map.

    I think it’s because the cowbell is mapped to a general midi note, so when I use learn to get the cowbell onto the tom-tom rim it’s telling the midi map to put that general midi note number to the tom-tom rim, when SD2 used to alter the midi note that triggers the cowbell.

    So a quick learn would map the instrument to the playing surface but not alter the midi map. that way when you save the kit it won’t affect the midi map that you are using just the kit’s midi setup.

    SD2 was great for this, but it’s not happening in SD3

    I hope that makes things clearer

    I’ve found that my old SD2 presets don’t work on my Roland Midi map unless I alter it, or them so I’m going to go back and alter those today.

    Chris Staples

    Top right. Drums and mixer presets, user presets etc.

    Chris Staples

    Yes, I add a cowbell or tambourine to the rim of a Tom, save it as a preset, load another Kit and the rim of the 16” Tom now plays the snare hoop , try it. I want it to play the same as the Kit did before I changed to the cowbell in the rock sdx Kit. The midi mapping has changed and I have to set it back again. If I now go back to my preset with the sdx rock Kit it plays the rim of the tom rather than the cowbell again. So I have to change the midi map to get it to play the cowbell again.

    Chris Staples

    I thought of another useful addition.
    It would be really useful to right click a channel strip and copy all settings so I can paste it into another channel strip. That way I can set up one tom channel and just tweak the eq afterwards.

    Another similar thing would be a copy function on a plug-in so I can just copy one of them.

    I’ve managed to get the cowbell on the hoop of a tom, but I have to change midi map preset to go back to a previous state. It’d be great to save each kit with the stuff I want inbit without changing the midi map every time.
    Unless someone sees some way of doing it and I’ve missed something.

    It sounds great. Very impressed, I’ve been playing for 28 years and SD3 makes me realise that I could go out and play live with a Jobecky kit in future and sell off a lot of my acoustics when I want to retire from work and travel more with my wife.

    Chris Staples

    The ability to map a cowbell or other instrument via a quick learn option when right clicking on an instrument that only applies to the Kit being edited would be good.
    If I want to add a cowbell to a rim of my pad for the 14” Tom it’d be great if I just right click the cowbell and amongst the options to that are presented I get a “quick kit only learn” would mean so much.

    I can’t seem to add the cowbell from the Rock SDX to a playing surface or maybe I’m missing something. Wading through the menus might be the answer.

    Thank you.

    Using MacBook Pro, and Td-12

    The vintage Zelkova snare has really come to life in sd3. Very cool.

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