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  • Craig Hlady

    Just saw this thread as I am curious about the DDrum Ddi module as well with SD3 from any users  and how well that works and if it would be any better than what I currently have for my purposes  . I already have a  an old Roland TD3 with some Hart drum kit  with mesh heads  that works fairly well but  had some issues with the sensitivity. I have no interest in internal sounds as I have many Toontrack kits as well other Drum / percussion VIs that I want to use this with .

    Craig Hlady

    + 1 for adding NKS support

    Craig Hlady

    There are quite a few ( probably hundreds) of other sample libraries that are already  out there and  have all these sounds and more . I have LADD, East West  SD2 SD3, lots of Kontakt based  libs and all are excellent  so perhaps look at some of those to fill out your palette .


    Thanked by: jonah66
    Craig Hlady

    I too am quite disappointed in this forced upgrade now or else . I’m not sure what the point of this  policy really is as it doesn’t make any sense? No other sample library I own has discontinued upgrading for products of theirs I own .  I have have been on the fence about upgrading for a while as I have SD2, EZ  kits , drum replacement programs for my live studio kit, and and many other drum programs which all have become very good in their own right . Maybe they don’t have as many mic positions but I don’t necessarily need them all either. So the question is do I really need another drum program ?

    There are some nice features in SD3 but if you really are going to end this upgrade policy at least have a final  upgrade sale for Black Friday or Christmas for your loyal customers or I will probably have to pass on upgrading.

    • This post was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Craig Hlady.


    Thanked by: ilter
    Craig Hlady

    I couldn’t find that SD2 to SD3 upgrade price anywhere on the web.

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