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  • Coryd

    Cool, thanks akbeda and Dario2!!!! Glad you guys dig it!!!

    There is no preset for this really. I do all my mixing after i bounce the drum tracks down.
    The snare i used was the Tomas Haake Engineering 7×13

    Thanks again!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    +100000000 for a world percussion SDX!!!!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Awesome!!! Thanks again maxmoujaes!!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Great review!!! I bought it while it was half off as well and i LOVE these samples!!!! I’m working on a tune now with them! 

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Many thanks maxmoujaes!

    Should i have to rename the preset and put the “.s20” as the extension? I’m having a hard time loading it into Superior 2.0. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

    I hear ya! I’m always pushed for time. Family (wife and two kids), full time job, band, church band, my solo D20 project….haha! the list goes on. I’ll have to try out EZmix. I haven’t yet, but i just might soon.

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Dang man! I really enjoyed that! Did you use a certain preset with Claustrophobic? Will you share your preset? I love it if you would?

    Great song! It has a really cool vibe to it!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Many thanks maxmoujaes!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine



    Cory,…very cool man,….thanks for sharing.



    Many thanks Peter!

    I just gave the tune another listen – still rawks!
    So you bounced all the drums, and then processed them in Cubase?
    Did you use any of the effects within S2 – or did you bounce them kind of “as-is”
    Whatever the case – they sound really good – even on these little speakers I have on my secondary computer
    Take care


    Thanks a bunch Scott!!!
    I pretty much bounce them as is. The only real processing that i do within S2.0 is a bit with the “Envelope”, “Pitch”, and then just mixing some of the levels differently. Other than that it is entirely processed within Cubase.

    Thanks again for taking another listen as well!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    I’m not too familiar with Logic, but i’m sure there is probably something you could get it with.

    Does Logic have a Tremolo plugin? If so, i’m sure you could probably get the same sound. 🙂

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    ORIGINAL: terrorhead

    I think the first one sounds better and closer to their sound. You should try and get the Beauty and the Breakdown sound. To me it’s their best. What about an Acacia Strain sound? But I need to get an Axe FX and sell my Dual Racktifier

    Many thanks!
    I dig the B&TB tone as well; however i think for my tastes i really enjoy this tone and the one from the self titled album. I have been working on that one as well and i think i am really close to it!

    What would i do without my Axe Fx….

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    Very good sound, Sir.
    May I ask – was the sound made completely with the Axe FX, or did you do some post EQ, comp, etc?
    And I was also curious if you recorded the Axe FX in stereo twice, or mono twice
    I know those are goofy questions – but I was just wondering.
    Thanks for sharing


    Thanks Scott!
    In This clip it is all Axe Fx with no post eq or comp.
    I also tracked 2 mono on the left and 2 for the right.

    If you have any more questions i would be happy to answer them!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    ORIGINAL: theboyfromsarasota

    Perfect amount of gain for the riff. For the tremolo effect…is that Axe or an automated pan in your DAW…has to be from the Axe right?


    Thanks Chuck!

    The tremolo effect is actually the tremolo plugin that comes with Cubase 🙂

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    That sounds wonderful!

    Can you give more details on the drums? Any special plugins or mixer settings??

    Many thanks!!!!
    The drums were all Avatar. Piccolo snare and clear toms. I did all of the processing within Cubase actually after i bounced down the drums.

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Many thanks for the compliments Chuck!!!
    Yeah i don’t know what i would do without my Axe Fx and my Superior Drummer 2.0!!!!!
    For this track i did two guitar takes. One was with a Recto sim and then i tracked the other with a 5150 sim.


    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Very cool!

    Man, i would love to have one of those RET percussion kits!!!

    How much was the one that you have?

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine

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