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  • Coryd

    ORIGINAL: ChrisGeez

    Hey CoryD,

    Another cool clip.

    What I would say though is, to my ears, it sounds like the guitars aren’t as “beefy”, and the bass guitar doesn’t stand out as much, as in the previous clip you uploaded? Life Alert.mp3.

    It’s not that it sounds wrong – it seems to make the reverb on the drums stand out a bit more.

    Depends what you were going for I guess.

    I do prefer the mix / sound of the previous clip though, if I had to choose.


    Cool man! Thanks for the input Chris!
    Yeah the mix needs a bit of work. I’ve been toying with quad tracking guitars lately and i think that i’m getting better results doing it that way. Below is another clip using a PODxt for the guitars. Not sure if it sounds better, but i did use my newly purchased Ampeg SVP Pro for the bass on this clip too. Hope you like it!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    very cool! What did you use for the guitars?

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    I mixed it both ways. I do a bit of processing outside of S2.0 and then usually a good bit within S2.0.
    I would say that i do more way processing inside of S2.0 than outside.

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Many thanks Scott!
    My band’s first album is going to drop soon, and this will be the tones of the second album 🙂

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    ORIGINAL: WaterBoy

    Another nice tune.
    To my ears – this tune has that “stoner” vibe going on.
    I can dig it.
    Thanks for sharing with us


    Thanks Scott!

    Went back and mixed it differently last night and added some to it. Hope you guys like it!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Evil Drums is awesome! I love the SDX!!! I was really hoping there would be more like this library.

    I’m still hoping for a Danny Carey(and full kit including electronic pads)/Toontrack collaboration… 🙂

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    ORIGINAL: ChrisGeez

    Hey man,

    It sounds sick! Nice grooves too!

    I noticed though that all the versions except the first one are mono. Is that what you wanted? I thought the first idea sounded awesome in glorious stereo.

    Many thanks!!! 🙂

    I probably didn’t mean to mix it down in mono….that happened with another track of mine unfortunately. Here is the stereo mixdown of this track. Hope you dig it!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Here is the newest mix to this track. All the drums are the Allaire library. One cymbal from Avatar, and i blended the kick a little with a sample.
    Hope you guys enjoy! I really like the Allaire library at the moment!!! To me its really versatile!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    ORIGINAL: Terraforms

    Nice drum sound.

    Many thanks!!! Just realized i mixed it down in mono….crap!
    New version here:

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Just reworked the guitars and mix a bit. Hope you guys enjoy!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Metal Machine all the way!!! I have and it is excellent for a number of rock/metal genres! I have it and love it!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    ORIGINAL: leecassidy

    Oh, hai Cory. We’re both away ‘from home’

    Yeah, it’s very easy to record with. I set mine so it’s hardly colouring the sound at all, then use impulse files for the cab emulation. The Palmer itself is very easy to use. It doesn’t even have a power switch! You just plug in your amp and you’re away!

    Indeed we are haha!!!

    Awesome! Thanks for the input on that! I have always wondered about those. You have some great tones on this track Lee!
    I may look into one of those in the future, but for now i think i gotta stick with my Axe Fx for the time being. Its still a great tool.

    Again, cool track Lee!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Nice!!! Good stuff Lee! How do you like the Palmer with the 6505? Do you find recording guitar pretty easy this way?

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    Thanks Jon and Gorilla! 

    I went back and added some to the track, some parallel compression on the drums and mixed it a bit differently. Here is the newest mix and the final version of the track:

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine


    ORIGINAL: jrobbins

    Kick Ass as always Cory! Did you use a preset right out of the box? or did you do some tweaking….any info is appreciated bro!

    I’m diggin’ this drum sound!!!!!!!


    Thanks jrobbins!
    I didn’t use any preset for this track. I used the Supraphonic snare i know, the 2nd kicks on the list, i think it was the 2nd toms on the list too, and i did a bit of tweaking in S2.0, but not that much. i think i used the zildijan prototype cymbals as well. I also set up a drum bus and compressed it quite heavily. Hope this is some good info that andswered your question. If you have any more questions let me know

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine

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