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  • Corey McLaughlin

    I’d also be interested in the answer to this question.

    Corey McLaughlin

    I’ll add my voice to this request.


    Thanked by: Phantommxr
    Corey McLaughlin

    Are you saying that in EZDrummer 2 you can only have the kits as defined by default? I have a similar problem as the OP. My TD-27 kit is not mapping correctly into your software. Here is an example, my rack tom 3 is mapped to your floor tom 1. I have not found a way to change this in the demo I’m currently testing.  This is just an example I’m having several other mapping issues that I won’t go into as I expect the answer is the same.

    If this is a limitation of EZDrummer 2, is it accurate to say Superior Drummer 3 allows these types of changes?

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