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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Codestation

    Right away I liked it, powerful and the guitar sounds great. Bass sounds a little distant to me. Not quiet, but indistinct – which may be what you were going for. The drums sound fantastic and have me second-guessing my decision to hold off on Made of Metal EZX… :D


    You know – now that you mention it – this is why I haven’t bought the Made of Metal EZX. First off I really don’t need it, but second… yeah… in the back of my mind I’m waiting for the SDX announcement.

    I don’t expect an upgrade path though, but to each his own. Yes – admitting it – I AM a toontrack fanboi :D

    BTW I got the Metal Machinery SDX (the first part / download) and am very impressed. I’ve always struggled a bit with the Avatar kit in Superior 2.0, which is purely down to my own deficiencies in hearing and mixing environment; but I am finding Metal Machinery much more to my liking on its own. About to tweak it in a mix I was originally working on with the Metal Machine EZX mixed with some other bits, we’ll see how it goes.

    I just fricking love drums.


    Get them both for the kits you really like. I have both Rock Warehouse and the Staub EZX I forget what it was called, and still find use for the already processed samples. or don’t. Whatever you wanna do.

    me… The Tempesta sig snare from the Metal Machine EZX almost always finds its way into my metal projects no matter what I’m doing, so… yeah.


    Niiiice! When the build up to 00:45 area happens, it’s just M/ That is an awesome mix, I thoroughly enjoyed this. What is that wailing noise around 2:25, probably a distorted guitar through a ringmod with lots of reverb? It sounds like a massive god wailing in the distance. And when you think it’s over, it gets rainy and weirder! Fantastic!


    Epic – everything is very clear and precise, but still very performed. I found myself head-banging. Love the percussion and orchestral elements mixed in. If you ever want to add vocals to anything, let me know, I’ll give it a shot!

    Just got to the bit at 2:58, now the outro. Is that a synth or clean guitars mixed in with the distorted riff? Love it.


    Just got Music City myself, so far I’m lovin it. Haven’t used it in a project yet though.

    Love the mix here, vox remind me of PG-era Genesis for some reason, but in a modern context. Great message to the song too. It’s funny how the time goes by… indeed!


    FvCK YEAH! That’s the stuff right there. Custom kit from metal foundry parts? Sounds awesome. The section that starts at “Stay Alive, keep your…” is just sick man! I love it!


    That was excellent, love your kit setup. Minimal kit pieces probably = more disciplined and performance oriented. Boy Evil Drums sure sounds good

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