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  • chrisharbin

    Please tell me this is not a cracked version

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61



    Sweetwater only has a limited amount of the midi products so far.

    The ones I want are jazz midi and roots midi…….so guess I’ll have to use the CC.

    It’s not a big since I currently have no PP cash but it still seems kinda odd that TT doesn’t have PP. (I don’t care about “american Dpress” hehe

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    ORIGINAL: Rogue

    If you are interested in more specific Brush work however, all I can tell you at this stage is that your patience will be rewarded in the near future. As a regular visitor to these forums, it should be easy for you to add 2 and 2 and read between the lines 😉

    btw, you took away most of my posts :crying: (someone did some server cleaning )

    @ mike

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    Thank you Scott 

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    I like it 

    The only thing I don’t like is the preset add-on(s) (as of course the next add-on will be the metal one today) are kinda a bit more than I’d thought. I would have thought they’d be 19ish usd.

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    It’s FF. I never use IE so it never occurred to me to try it and behold! No issues  

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    Just another note, it can’t be the router because my download speed is BLAZING fast. I just did a 100mb patch in about 1 minute.

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    a possible clue? On the audio file side I get this spinning and a number usually comes up like “80” or “97”…….thinking it’s something on my end but would love to know what to troubleshoot it.

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    I’m really having trouble with the site. Regardless of which item, it’s soooooo slooooow and freezes up on my allot (like just trying to get to the forum) If others are not having this issue I’m open to suggestions as why I’d be this way.

    win7/x64/firefox 3.6/DSL connection (600kbps??) I’ve tried to check into my new router as a possible issue but I can’t seem to find any issue yet.

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    Nope, it’s been both for me. Now, in fairness, I just got a new DSL router and maybe that’s why I have issues with the audio all of the sudden. But other places I go the audio loads right up without issue so trying to gauge things. I’ll have to look at my end a bit more maybe……..but was kinda hoping to listen more to the new audio examples with the new metal EZX….it’s a bloody impossibility right now

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    Yeah, scratch what I said…..there are allot of midi grooves.

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61


    I’d say no because there isn’t anything ezdrummer can do that superior can’t already do for you.

    If midi grooves are what you are after, the midi packs TT offers more than cover ezdrummer imo and there are several 3rd party midi grooves available. I know it’s a great price, but you kinda already have the “Cadillac”

    win7x64/i7 860/msi mobo/Reaper x64/8GB ram/profire 610/oxygen 61

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