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    Good one! The very first band I was in, our very first practice, some neighbor (young) kids came by to the garage we were playing in.  They asked for our autographs, which was amusing, so we gave them our autographs.  That was the last time anything like that ever happened.  I have more stories, but I will pace myself.   🙂

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Thank you for the story.  I have a story (a bit like Spinal Tap).  I played in several bands in the 80’s.  It was 1983, and let us just say our male singer was not attracted to women (he confided to our guitar player; I played synths).  We played a party at the guitar player’s girlfriend’s house.  Before the party, we rolled out plastic matting all over the carpet, except for about one square foot (where someone later managed to throw up on).  Our band played mostly new wave/alternative music.  Well, the crowd that showed up was mostly a bunch of heavy metal dudes, so the audience was not too keen on our music.  During the party (at night), a police helicopter shined its light down on the house we played at (one of the neighbors must have complained to the police about the noise). As soon as our band stopped playing, I started tearing down my keyboard set-up.  A drunk guy offered to help me (no thank you!).  I packed up my gear and left the party before things got any worse.  Later, I heard our singer got drunk and tried to pick up on one of the macho heavy metal dudes.  Fortunately, our guitar player rescued our singer from getting beat up.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface



    Now listening to “Salvation Bluez/Cuz I Believe”: Hey this is really good man!  Sounds very professional.  Nice audio quality and contrasting scratchy record sound versus the better audio quality.  The wah guitar was a little loud in my left ear for a little while; my only gripe.  Excellent overall.  Feel free to share a story.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface



    Thank you for reviewing my song!  Now your song: some nice vocals wouldn’t hurt; otherwise it sounds quite pleasant.  Nice melodies & audio quality.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Thanked by: Spirit


    Thank you for listening & commenting!  If you’re into Satriani, maybe you’ll like the IK Multimedia Amplitube Joe Satriani that was just released.


    Bear-faced Cow,

    Thank you for listening and for your comments, I appreciate it!

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface



    Thanks for sharing the stories!  I cracked up with your Mac conversion story.  From what I recall, I tried some trial version BFD software, but I liked my existing Toontrack software better, so I never pursued the BFD any further.  Though I know some people are fans of that brand.  Nevertheless, you have some cool stories relating to BFD.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Over 10 years ago, I bought an iMac (a few months ago a bought a brand new iMac); it was the first computer I had had that could handle music-related plug-ins.  First plug-in (correct usage of the word?) I bought was from toontrack.  For a year or 2 I had wanted to buy EZDrummer (1) after hearing about it on the internet.  So I go to Guitar Center to buy it, and I was stunned that Superior Drummer 2 was on sale there for only $10 more than EZDrummer (1)!  So of course I ended up with SD2.  Recently my songs have EZX (various ones) drums operating within SD2.  If nothing else, the EZX drums seem to have longer cymbal sustain than the original SD2.  I assume you owned SD2 at one point.  How was SD3 worked for you relative to SD2?  I thought I posted this yesterday, but now I don’t see it.  How did you meet the Van Halen mixer guy?  Any interesting stories regarding your mother you wish to share?

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Bear-Faced Cow,

    Yes, Satan must like elevator music (ha ha).  A lot of my music sounds pretty dark, but typically has vaguely Christian lyrics.  Not that I’m into death metal (mostly because of the vocals), though I’ve heard of “Christian” death metal bands.  Not that you can understand a single word of the vocals.  I guess if their heart is in the right place…..

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    As Homer Simpson would say, “Darn brain!”  I read the article, though he said to mix it pretty loud!  And I’ve noticed my hearing/brain is not consistent from day to day either.  Whatever I have recorded most recently, I have that it rather loud, because I want to clearly hear it to make sure it’s OK.  And then over the course of a few days, I keep having to turn that track down lower and lower, until it sounds OK, over time.  Van Halen is one of my favorite bands, Eddie is my favorite musician.  I played at Gazzarri’s in West Hollywood in 1984 in a (mostly) cover band.  Van Halen used to play there a lot before they became famous; they even played there after they were famous.  A friend of mine saw Van Halen play at a backyard party in Pasadena, CA way before they became famous.  I lived in Glendora, CA from 1971 to 1987: bassist Michael Anthony lived there a long time.  I have a friend that is a pilot, used to make money doing aerial photography; took pictures of Michael Anthony’s house in Glendora; lived in a gated area.  One day, I tagged along with my friend in his truck; we drove to Michael Anthony’s house (roughly 30 years ago), it looked a bit like a castle when I saw it.  My friend said to stay in his truck & not talk to Michael; who was in the front yard.  While they talked, Michael’s good-looking blonde wife came outside & smiled at me.  One day, I was eating lunch at Burger Continental (a Greek restaurant) in Pasadena (roughly 20 years ago).  My wife later noticed David Lee Roth showed up, by himself.  So I walk up to Roth, and said, “Hey,Dave!”  He slowly looked up & clearly wasn’t thrilled to see me.  I asked him about playing at Gazzarri’s.  He put up with me for a minute, then he said, “Well, good luck to you!”  I took the hint & left him alone after that.  He was all chatty with the waitresses though, what a surprise!  A female coworker of mine lived in Pasadena; she ran into Roth at a grocery store & he was totally hitting on her; she wasn’t interested.  My dental hygienist had a female friend that was driving on the freeway, and a big limo pulls up to the side of her car.  David Lee Roth rolls down the window & hangs out the window, hitting on this gal.  She was interested, but had to pick up her mother at the airport, so she passed on that.  So which albums are you talking about?

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    But then you write “devil music” and then you only get compliments from the devil worshippers.   😉   I know this guy (haven’t seen him in years), friend of a friend,  that is/was a serious devil worshipper.  About 20 years ago, he lived in a 2 bedroom apartment, and one of the bedrooms was completely devoted to devil worship: a large alter, upside-down crosses & pentagrams, and books for casting spells.  Scary stuff.  He had some little bit (acting) parts in some big movies.  He made a documentary movie about devil worship.  He had an interest in putting some of my music into one of his movies, but I’m not aware of him making another movie.  Not that I’d want my music in a Satanic movie.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

    • This post was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by CHRIS.

    Bear-faced Cow,

    Sounds very nice!  I occasionally listen to a Christian rock radio station in my car (I live near Los Angeles).  I could picture this song on that station.  Did I already comment on this song?  It sounds kind of familiar.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Bear-Faced Cow,

    Thank you for listening and commenting, I appreciate it!  I thought of this weeks ago, though I didn’t want to seem too defensive in the other thread: if I listen to my music with headphones at a pretty consistent volume every time, does that effectively eliminate the Fletcher Munson effect, at least for me?  For example: if I listen to my music at a lower volume while mixing, and the bass frequencies seem lacking, am I not more likely to turn up the bass frequencies to compensate for that?  And then when I listen to it at more normal volume (for me), then it will be too bassy?  Or perhaps you will say I got it bass ackwards?  Don’t worry, I won’t be offended if you elaborate on this more.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface



    Thank you for the reply!   🙂

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Bear-Faced Cow,

    If I was more tech savvy, I might be more willing to check my mixes in the car.  I suppose my iPhone could do it better, though I haven’t had the patience to do that.  What I have done in the past, I burn it onto a CD (by that time I’ve had my fill of working on the song).  But until I finalize the CD (which might take months, or more than a year to fill up the CD), I can’t hear it in my car.  Unless I burned all sorts of CD’s.  In days of yore, I would make a cassette tape and could hear it in my car more quickly. OK, finally on to your song: Hey, this sounds really good!  The singing and the melodies, the guitar & bass playing are all very nice.  I think this could have been a hit song in the 70’s.  Your main rhythm guitar riffs remind me of ELP’s great song “From the Beginning”.  By the way, before I played that on YouTube, a Tony Robbins video ad came up, the motivational speaker and best selling author, and he was in the movie “Shallow Hal”.  I’ve known him since the seventh grade.  He played a heck of a prank on me back then, but I’m not going on the public record with that story.  I could tell you in an email or private message.  Cheers!   🙂

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Bear-Faced Cow,

    Thank you for replying twice in my recent thread.  I used to check my mix also with home stereo speakers, but adjusting for that, always made the headphones sound worse with my adjusted mix.  I will review your song today, will probably be tied up for an hour or two.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

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