I would take issue with your ‘higher end stuff’ comment.
DW, Meinl and Zildjian A Customs are just standard brands in the drummers arsenal.
Most of the ‘stuff’ already sampled for Toontrack libraries is considered ‘higher end’.
The gear used on ‘Music City’, ‘NY Legacy’, ‘Evil Drums’ and ‘C&V’ is the same gear all the top professional drummers in the industry are using.
In fact it’s pretty hard to go much ‘higher end’ than the drums and cymbals we sampled for ‘C&V’.
Craviotto, Paiste Sound Creation and Signature, Ludwig Black Beauty, Noble & Cooley, Zildjian K.
I on the other hand would like to take issue to your reference including “Music City”in this mix. This has to be the worst drum sample set I’ve ever heard in a long time. Considering the hype that Toontrack gave us you would think we would be getting the Holy Grail of Nashville. I’m tired of 8 kick drums that all sound the same and use a plastic beater. I want to make music and not noise. I think we can all agree that we have had enough “Dead Zepplin” samples for a life time and can now safely say it’s time to move on and make today’s nusic!
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