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  • callahan09

    Will EZBass feature DI output, or only amped bass output? I’d like to be able to use EZBass to generate my DI bass tracks, but then utilize a third-party (or even EZMix) bass amp to give it the sound & tone I want, rather than be limited to whatever amp & effects settings are available within EZBass itself.


    @onewayout_1 said:
    I run reaper too…Just a thought…. Do you have a mix knob ratio on the Scarlett that would help? or do you have any other FX on the channel or MST channel?


    Well, I tried it with the mix knob on the Scarlett in different positions. All the way to the left, I hear the clean guitar with no latency. All the way to the right I hear the effected guitar with tons of latency. In the middle, I hear both, but the latency between the two signals (the clean is not delayed, but the effected is) is too distracting to play through. So I pretty much just play it with the mix all the way left so I only hear the clean input signal when playing.

    There are no other FX on any channels, just clean guitar straight into the Scarlett, and the one EZMix plug-in on the recording track.


    @Scott said:
    Yes, turn on the Preview in Original Tempo in the browser page.

    Check this section of the online manual for more details:  

    Aha, I see it now, I appreciate it (not sure how I didn’t notice that, it seems so obvious now!).


    @John said:

    1) it finds grooves that you have in your library, it does not create new ones

    2) yes, with a bigger library, the Song Creator will have more to choose from

    3) no duplicates unless clearly stated on the product’s page. I.e. if a MIDI pack is from an EZX or SDX, it will be a note about it at the top of that MIDI Pack’s product page.


    Thanks for answering all of my questions, I’ve seen you answering questions all over this forum in my brief time perusing so far, so I’m impressed with the attention that you give each question, it’s very helpful and I knew asking here would get my questions all cleared up!

    I now see exactly what you mean in regards to question 3, for instance:

    Says “Please note that this is the same MIDI as included in the Metal Machine EZX.”

    So as long as the MIDI pack doesn’t say something like that, it’s all unique grooves, which is good to know.

    I have a question, I may need to ask in a separate thread because it’s totally unrelated to the questions I already asked here, but I was hoping for a recommendation on both an EZX and any applicable MIDI packs that would help me get drum & bass / industrial metal / EBM feels? I’m having trouble identifying which expansions would fit those styles…

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