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  • BryanMichael

    Actually the SDX is still available from Musicians Friend and Guitar Center. The name “Evil Drums” had me fooled at first, thinking this was for metal and hard rock. but they are GREAT sounding drums that would be at home on many pop/rock tracks as well. In fact, it is one of the best sounding SDX expansions out there.


    Thanks so much guys, I got it sorted out.
    It looks like clearing the samples, restarting the computer, etc… did the trick. I guess it just had to clear it’s head.

    I’m still having some issues with AR drums though, although they are not with EZ Drummer, so I will ask about them in the NI forum.

    For the record, after going through all of this, it just made me appreciate the ease of use of EZ Drummer AND the sounds of the Toontrack Vintage Rock kit even more comparing it directly to AR Drums. I think AR breathes a bit more, has those subtle nuances, etc… but it’s also a beast! The Vintage Rock kit seems to sit somewhere between the 60’s and the 70’s and has a really nice “tight” sound that I am really digging. If I could make one suggestion to Toontrack though it would have been to add an extra Tom and some tea towel dampening to this kit- Maybe a Vintage Rock kit PLUS.

    Thanks for the help guys.


    Yeah, I read that they added it in the “update” to the 60’s drums or the update of the KONTAKT player, both of which I have installed, but I still don’t see it! Anyone with any experience with this? If I get an answer from NI I’ll post it here as well.



    Forgive my ignorance, but I have Kontakt Player and EZ drummer (both the latest versions) and the Abbey Road 60’s drums (latest version)

    and I don’t see a “drop down mapping list” anywhere on the interface! I’ve been clicking everything looking for it, and I can’t seem to find it. Is it only available on KONTAKT (full version not the Player?) Again, thanks for the replies- I really like EZ Drummer, and in all honesty I think I might prefer the sounds of the Toontrack Vintage Rock kit to the Abbey Road for what I’m doing but I’d like to at least get it working so I can have a straight comparison.



    Thanks so much for the reply. I don’t have EZ player, only EZ drummer, but it may be a moot point- I think Native Instruments may have issued a map for Toontrack mapping as an update to Abbey Road Drums. I have not purchased Abbey Road drums yet, I was just trying to figure out if I would have to do a lot of remapping of EZ drum tracks if I did. If anyone can confirm that Abbey Road drums has such a map these days, I would appreciate it- but I understand that is really probably a question for another forum. Thanks again for the response!


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