Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

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  • brendan371

    Hi John, thanks for taking the time.

    I’m operating under the assumption that global chord and signature track information is sent to plugins in 11, since Apple’s own plugins are referencing them. I am a coder myself, so I am not trying to understate the complexity, but objectively it doesn’t look like apple has given it’s own plugins any greater level of permissions or integration than a third party AU plugin.

    Toontrack is surely feeling the heat since competitors to their flagship products are not included with Logic. I’ll grant that they’re not currently as good, but that global chord track makes is so easy when I’m throwing a demo together, I don’t even bother with the chord editor in EZKeys, which has always been finicky anyways.

    I would have trouble believing the smart coders at Toontrack would have too much trouble finding a way to make using EZKeys as simple as using Logic Session Keys referencing the global chords. I do also think it’s a necessity for the viability of EZ* products going forward; my use of EZkeys has dropped like 80% since Logic 11 released, and to be perfectly honest, as much as I love EZKeys, I wouldn’t buy it today if I didn’t already own it, and as it stands I won’t be buying any more add-ons or upgrades unless this gets added, and I’m sure there’s a lot of folks like me who feel the same way.




    John and other Mods,

    I installed the EZKeys Grand Piano demo in Garageband.  I purchased a key for EZKeys Upright Piano from Sweetwater.  I have my key, but apparently the demo can’t use my key to just allocate the correct libraries.  The uninstaller included with the Demo will not run on current MacOS.  What’s the deal; no uninstaller?  Do I need to manually uninstall all components before installing my new paid copy of EZKeys?

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)
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