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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Blodhemn

    There are some Tabs about, so will Give this a go Optofonik. Cheers 🙂


    I guess MIDI patterns is what I am after, as the drum sounds I have already are awesome, and I plan on buying the Metal Machine & Metalheads addons soon so got the drum sounds covered pretty much, just need better patterns more suited to the VIKING METAL.


    Hey there Optofonik, cheers for the reply.

    Not sure if its the NBT, I have been listening to Viking Metal since about 1986 when Bathory started doing it. It has definitely got a lot more popular over the last few years though. Along with Folk Metal. Ill check out the Rock Midi packs see what they offer, but would really LOVE to see TOONTRACK do a dedicated set for Viking / Folk metal 🙂

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