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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • bfr666

    Download the correct drummaps from here(“user area”):

    Drummaps are files(.drm) which tell your sampler which drum should be played when certain midi note is recieved.

    If you spend 2500$ on nuendo, you should read the manual? Atleast the MIDI basics? It explains all of these things.

    short version:
    Select your midi track and look to the very left of the screen. You should see something called “inspector” which contains horizontal “tabs”: “Track parameters”, “inserts”, “sends” etc. If you cannot see this, click on the “show inspector”, third button from the left in the icon row at the very top of the window.

    Choose the very first “tab” and look for a “map” button. Click it, choose “drum map setup”, then “load” and find the file you downloaded from the link i gave you. Then click the “map” button again and choose the map you just loaded.

    Then delete the pirated version of Nuendo and go buy a real one.

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