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  • Brooks H

    Sorry to bump an old thread, but I’m noticing this phenomenon in the overheads of the included kits. I forget witch bass drum – I’ll report back if it matters – but it’s way to the left in the overheads. I used some mid/side EQ to center the bass frequencies which is having some undesired effect on my floortom 2. But it seemed to work better than narrowing the stereo field as I want a spread on my toms, and the kick would only be less to the left.

    This is a bit disappointing. I’ve been trying to use SD3 more as the feature set is incredible. But there always seems to be a “small” thing keeping me from using it as much as I’d like. If this is in fact due to the room, I wish more care was taken in the room selection or kit/mic placement. My other go-to is obviously using some trickery as I can pan kit pieces in the overheads & room mics, but it’s convenient if not as realistic.

    SD3 v3.3.6, EZbass v1.1.7, EZkeys v1.3.4
    Studio One v5.5.2, Cubase v12.0.60
    3.6GHz Intel i9 iMac, 64GB RAM, OS 12.6.1

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