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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Armageddon

    As I said, I record in 32-bit float, rather than 24-bit, so I would have to convert the imported files. It also means more files than necessary — I’d have a mono direct file and various stereo ambience files to achieve pretty much the same results I’m getting by recording my snares, kicks and hats simply as stereo files, and I’m not the kind of track tweaker to want or need “Snare Top”/”Snare Bottom”/”Overhead Ambience”/etc. I definitely appreciate that about Superior, though! You can get as simple or as elaborate as you want.


    I may have answered my own question: I decided to re-record my mono kick, snare and hats as stereo files without tweaking any mic placement in EZDrummer/Superior. This way, I get the actual sound plus room tone as originally intended, without hard panning any mic placement. It’s a lot like recording the whole kit in one shot, which is what I suspect most of you do, except that I still have control over the individual drums’ volume, EQ and send. Unsurprisingly, the sound quality improved drastically.

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