Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

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  • Tony Cerniglia

    Is EZ Bass2 going to released soon? Will the app operate identical to EZ Keys2 with its excellent workflow, options and low learning curve based on how EZ Keys2 works and operates today?

    I may purchase EZ Bass today if you offer me a free upgrade when EZ Bass2 is released in the near future.

    It is what it is!

    Tony Cerniglia

    Interesting. Even the black boxes on the drum channels? Thanks for update. Now I know it’s not an issue.

    It is what it is!

    Tony Cerniglia

    Last night I purchased 3 EZX packs to use with Superior Drummer2. Alt-Rock, Big Rock Drums and Latin Percussion. They sound frickin amazing as expected. What wasn’t expected is the inserts on the channels of the combined presets are dark in color on the Alt-Rock and Big Rock mixers. When you click on the insert to edit it, the insert choices menu opens. You can’t edit or see what the insert actually is. The insert does not pop open to edit it. My assumption is they’re working. If I turn up the reverb or tape returns, the sound is changing. When I open other sound libraries the inserts return to normal. When I open the 2 new EZX libraries the inserts return to the non working order. I did not test the Latin Percussion EZX.

    Is this a bug with the newer EZX and SD2 or am I missing something?

    Tony C.

    Running the latest Mac OS in the latest version of Logic X on a late 2013 Mac Book Pro 2.3 I5, 8gb Ram.

    It is what it is!

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