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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • anth_1


    i uninstalled totalAV and can now download.

    very strange as I have never had to do this on any of the other toontrack programs


    Any other ideas?

    my internet is working as it should, I can access any site and have even downloaded a game off steam.

    just your site giving me issues


    So I’m product manager I went

    – tools


    – change settings (proxies)

    – unticked every box in advanced tab

    – restarted pc

    – still won’t download


    Hmm well I can assign any instrument out of EZD2 to my trigger of choice unless I choose Roland mapping which I need for my Hihat to work correctly.
    Having dual zone cymbals allows 2 different samples to be assigned to the cymbal trigger (eg edge as a crash and bow as a splash) but only if I don’t select Roland mapping.
    Seems very strange to me…….


    Hey guys any updates?


    So I’ve now upgraded to SD2 and the midi learn feature seems to have solved the problem so far.
    Any thoughts on the original issue? Having to upgrade to SD2 is pretty expensive and extreme.


    When I choose Roland I get perfect hihats but have the issue you can see in previous photos with midi notes not going to the right path or destination.
    If I don’t choose any mapping I’m able to change midi notes and they go where they should but the hihats are unuseable.


    Hi John,
    I’m running 2.1.4 which I uninstalled and reinstalled today.
    I reinstalled TD30 drivers for windows 7 today.
    I reinstalled TD30 version 1.13 today.
    I performed a factory reset also.
    Not sure what else to do. Has anyone else had this issue?


    I just reinstalled my TD15 to test. Same issue. I never noticed before because the hihats worked perfectly straight up without having to select roland.
    I also noticed the module sounds and dynamics are better in the TD15 compared to the TD30 but that’s another story all together haha.


    Hi John,
    Generic CC still has the same issue.
    Hats work great, midi notes incorrectezd2.JPG


    @mariusmusicus said:
    A 3Gz machine, optimized, (see Tuning an Audio PC produced by Mix Magazine) with a PCI or PCIe should give you about 2millisecs latency on the audio out side. Then the host software and the trigger module add their own latency as does transporting the Midi data from the drum brain to the host. You’ll always feel a lag, even with my TD-3 with the headphones plugged directly I always feel a lag. For recording, I just cue my ears to the noise coming from the pad itself knowing the the Midi will eventually get there. And beleive me, once it gets there it’s glorious. I love SD2. So:

    For best results:

    1. Get the fastest Drum Module you can afford.
    2. Optimize the drum module’s Scan Time and Retrigger Cancel Window to your playing style (playing softer can help)
    3. Get the fastest Midi connection you can get. (Standard Midi is very slow, USB 2 is faster but watch out for jitter).
    4. Get the fastest audio card you can afford. (I believe PCMCIA is faster than USB2 but not sure)
    5. Optimize your computer. I have a separate partition just for music.
    6. Don’t expect it to feel like a real drum. Most percussionists will sense a 4-6millisec latency easily. Especially when playing cowbells, cascara, timbales.


    Hi Marius,
    I’m new to this and running EZDrummer into an alesis crimson. It sounds unreal but cannot achieve anywhere near the volume that the crimson module does on its own. Then when I add drumless tracks from youtube to play along to I lose even more volume.
    Would this be as simple as buying a sound card? Could you recommend on if this is the case?
    FYI I’m using the PC headphone jack with a splitter going to headphones and an iphone playing you tube. Then just USB to MIDI (same as printer cable) connecting PC to drum module.
    Is there anyway to get the extra headphone jack back so can run 2 headphones at once (so friends can be amazed at my playalong skills)

    Sorry for the million questions

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