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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • anonymous_3

    @Martin said:

    We never comment on future products, but know that we monitor this forum and all feature requests closely, so anything is possible.

    Well, I love this SDX… So hopefully very soon!

    As I said, the amount of Mixer Presets for this SDX was a little on the light side to begin with! Frown

    From a musician’s standpoint, the presets get me up and running as quickly as possible without having to think about, so the more the merrier! Wink


    @DLS Music said:

    Isn’t it upto those third party developpers to tag their libraries and offer new files just like ToonTrack did? Why would this be TT’s responsibility?

    Then I’m confused, because I spoke to someone over at Platinum Samples in regards to the MIDI grooves included with the 3rd party SDX “Evil Drums”, and they said it was Toontrack’s responsibility. Maybe I got the translation wrong but I’m pretty sure that was the just of the message.

    Would love to see this MIDI library incorporated into the new EZD 2 MIDI features!!!

    EDIT: I just received an email from “The Guy” over @ Platinum Samples… Apparently, he’s pissed at me for what I wrote here and gave me a nice little wrist slap! But in my defense… I did write “Maybe I got the translation wrong”.

    So Instead of him chiming in here and trying to help the customer who bought his product, he’d rather “Big Brother” the internet and send me a nasty email like I’m some schmuck!

    So my deepest apologies to you sir for being a long time customer and trying to continue to use your product (That I paid for at Full Price!) with the new EZdrummer 2 “Songwriting Features”!

    Sorry to the OP for going off Topic!


    @Martin said:

    Duly noted! Any producer in particular you’d like us to work with?

    Hey Martin,

    Any possibility of that happening from Randy & Toontrack in the near future?



    Hey Martin,

    Since Randy only had 2 presets and Toontrack had 3 (I believe) included with this SDX… I would simply like to see more from Randy and Toontrack!

    It seems the newer SDX libraries are getting less & less (as far as Mixer Presets are concerned)! Frown

    Thanks! Wink


    Mods… Please delete this Topic.



    Never mind… Found it.

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