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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • anonymous_3

    Thanks guys for chiming’ in here…

    Over 2 years later and no sign of life! Frown

    Toontrack, any news on this???

    Thanks! Wink


    Bump! ๐Ÿ™‚


    Bump! ๐Ÿ™‚


    Yes, I just got a reply from customer support….

    “Thanks for your email.
    Individual Midi packs can be sold alone. We have removed the two serial numbers below from your account so you may provide them to the new owner.”

    So now we know! ๐Ÿ™‚


    @Gary said:

    hm. I wasn’t aware of this either.
    I have a couple SDX’s and EZX’s. Are you able to sell/transfer the SDX as well?

    With no real updates in a while and no support for megadrum, I feel AD 2 might be a better bet after trying their demo.

    If the product has a license number then I don’t see why it can’t be transferred. But I have contacted Toontrack support regarding the matter, so hopefully they can clear the issue up for the both of us shortly – though I imagine their reply won’t be so swift at this time of year! ๐Ÿ™‚


    @gseshleman said:

    Is it even possible to transfer licenses for MIDI??

    Sure, the MIDI packs each have license numbers, so all one has to do is notify Toontrack who the new user is and they’ll transfer the license number over to their account, allowing them to download it then. ๐Ÿ™‚


    @colegrey said:

    it seems as though most people who care about this feature don’t care much about the tags. Tap2find is a game changer, and that is the functionality that needs to be implemented as soon as possible. I understand that toontrack doesn’t want to do this twice, once rushed through, and once with full tag editing etc, but let’s not get caught up in thinking we need some software that will add tags automatically to midi files – people or companies can do that if a simple tag editor is part of the solution.
    Please just let us all match our other loops and midi files with tap2find as soon as you can.

    Tap2find is probably the most revolutionary thing i have run into in years, so congratulations on understanding how people are working with with your software, unlike most developers. In my book, tap2find is up there with touch screen controllers and sampler scripts, so please let us implement it. Even if you want to keep your midi libraries as “premium” products and only allow tap2find, that would be better than tagging files.

    I strongly agree!!!


    @Michael said:

    The Default preset will make the kit sound exactly as it did in EZD 1 when you chose a kit. Any other preset however could be selected to change the sound of the kit.

    That’s what I thought (choosing any of the EZD 1 Mixer Presets).

    Thanks Michael! Wink


    @langbehn said:

    ‘I can click an arrow on any of the individual instruments in the kit, and then click the Kit button in the little dialog that pops up’.

    OK. Now this makes sense. To be very clear (for those like me who did not read this part of the manual), you choose the various factory-defined kits by right-clicking any kit piece. In the box that pops up, on the BOTTOM RIGHT, you will see the word “kit” with an arrow pointing down underneath it. left click the arrow and you kit a drop down menu that allows you to change the entire kit to any of the Toontrack-defined kit presets.

    I understand this… BUT the confusion I have is which corresponding Preset(s) do I need to choose in the orange menu field for these kits to match the sound/operation of EZD 1.

    Is it any of the ‘Version 1’ presets?

    Hope that makes sense!

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