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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Ames Alch

    Another method that might work is to enter the Tap2Find feature and start adding your hits. Each time you get things to a certain point you know you like, drag the pattern to the midi drop zone (essentially saving it), then keep adding parts until you have something you like.

    Unless I’m not getting what you’re looking for, I think this should work for you.

    Going into EZD2, I tally thought I would only use grooves I constructed entirely myself. I quickly found, however, that many of the suggested grooves that EZD2 suggested for me had lots of aspects that I wanted to use, so I just copied a given groove and pasted only the parts that I liked into a pattern I started from scratch. This has proven to be a great time saver and has even given me some cool results I might not have come up with in my own.

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