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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Ames Alch

    While this might not directly address your question, it may hold a key to getting you to what you seek.

    Good luck.

    Ames Alch

    Thank you very much!

    Once again, I apologize for my over-reaction. Kudos to TT for getting this done so fast.

    Ames Alch

    @Damian Blunt said:

    Please bear with us. This will be fixed as soon as possible.

    Thank you! Sorry to get so worked up over this, but when I read that the word was supposedly a no-go I over-reacted. Just knowing that you are on it is great to know. It’s much appreciated!

    Thanks again.

    Ames Alch

    @ryanlangford said:

    well i just recieved an email from toontrack saying that it is not their problem for the file being corrupted as they are not affliated in any way for the demo download. that is disappointing to hear, and i used firefox and a download manager three times and it still said the file is corrupted. Well, i hope someone is listening or reading this because it really needs to be addressed. I eventually will by this new product but i would like to try it on the demo mode until i can afford to purchase it.

    What? How can they say they are in no way affiliated with the download? That’s ridiculous. It’s THEIR PRODUCT!!!

    TT, FIX THIS! As someone who has spent over $1000 in the last there months on your software, I think I’ve earned the right to demand that YOU take the initiative to solve this issue.


    Ames Alch

    Hi, all.
    I’m posting under my new account. Since starting this thread I’ve purchased EZD2 and have gone crazy taking advantage of the summer EZX sale, getting about 8 packs.
    I have also taken to recreating the drum groove in the song above. At first I didn’t see how I’d be able to do it, but with a lot of VERY fine tweaking and putting together grooves and patterns almost completely from scratch using Tap2Find and a lot of splicing, copying, pasting, and the occasional augmentation of editing midi file fills (embellished and intensified with the Edit Play Style) I managed to get the groove I want.
    I still intend to add a ton of percussion once I’m in Logic (using the Latin EZX on another track), but I’m pretty happy with this as a start. I think this is a testament to the power of EZD2.

    Hope ya’ll like this ‘lil sample.

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