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  • ahellquist

    FWIW: I have bought EZ Drummer and runs it in Carla as Windows VST in my linux.

    It works well and I think that as long as manual activation is possible, it will be a decent way to get a VST drummer but I sure hope Toontrack will do a real port like many other companies have done.

    Since it is Black friday, I was urged to purchase a crossgrade to SD3 but I believe SD3 needs the Download manager for downloading content and possibly authorization and it is too much money to gamble with if things dont work.


    If there was a Linux port of both EZD an SD, we could be happy paying customers instead of waiting for the first good commersial VST or preferably LV2 plugin.


    Will a crossgrade from EZD2 to SD3 invalidate the EZD product or is it just a rebate for current owners to get SD3 with at discount ?

    Have checked all FAQ but did not find an answer.




    Thanked by:

    Hi !

    We just had a discussion on IRC where we concluded that we have many great strictly commercial products for linuix,

    The last year U-He has released all their software as linux VSTs in both 32 and 64 bit. I own most of them and their really nice products made my life musically a lot better. I use them constantly both live and in the studio. Pianoteq lv2 is also something I never leave home without. I know there are more similar products out there but these are the ones I have purchased lately.

    Since U-he accomplished this with only one person doing the porting and an almost selfsusaing support at KVR forums it soesn’t seem to be a high mountin to climb íf Toontrack would consider including the ever expanding linux world. I have tested some of the Toontrack EZkeys products under wine and the work really good so I would imagine the code well written (but I am no developer) Have also tested another similar product from another Swedish company but that did not end well.

    If Toontrack would get some help from some of the people who have ported Juce applications to linux they might consider it.

    I can think of some devs that might be able to help.

    I, myself could help testing things and I live in Umeå, Sweden where the Toontrack Head Quarter resides..

    Please, pretty please Confused
    /Anders Hellquist

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