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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • 6StringChug

    OK, I get it – in addition to the stack itself which can be copy/pasted rather easy, it is all the mixer settings for the entire stack I am willing to move that I have to re-build in the new preset. Makes sense as these settings particular make a huge chunk of the processed sound.

    I’ll manage, I hope. Being a newbie, this seems to be a great exercise for me to become familiar with the software and its endless possibilities.

    The presets are great and mainly a good starting point to Frankenstein an individual kit.


    Many Thanks Erik,


    that was super helpful. To be honest, the Man of Sand Preset has from day one been by favorite one. I just managed to make the snare a tad more snappy than in the original preset.


    Is it possible to copy only the snare stack from the man of sand preset into another preset?


    Many thanks!


    Many thanks, Jord!

    I´ll try out some kits – never mixed up different drums myself, so far only went for the preset and used those out of the box but there should be some presets that are already EQéd in a similar direction and I would just swop some single instruments.

    Thanks again!

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