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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • 2busdriver

    Thanks John, done. Installed Solo and authorized that way.


    I can’t get EZplayer Pro to authorize. The authorization screen comes up with correct computer ID but when I tab or point to the authorization code field box (which puts a blue highlight around the box) I can neither type entry into it or paste into it. My serial and codes are all correct, but the authorize box is basically frozen. I have reinstalled all programs (twice making sure everything was deleted) with no solution. I’m using Mu.Lab 3.0.38 Daw. There appears to be either no supprt ticket entry here at Toontrak, or it’s well hidden. I have checked the known issues log on the EZP FAQ.
    Please advise,

    iMac (Late Fall 2009)

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