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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • 0604reg333

    This is a valid question, especially considering why Toontrack has introduced new features in EZdrummer 3 (ED3) but hasn’t updated Superior Drummer (SD). It might lead one to speculate if Toontrack is pushing users to purchase both products, despite the premium price of SD. As a songwriter myself, I can see the potential benefits of Bandmate, although I’ve only recently become aware of it. Now, when writing a song, I’m faced with the dilemma of choosing between ED3 and SD tracks. While ED3 offers Bandmate, SD does not. Although SD sounded great and was superior to EZdrummer 2 (ED2), it now seems to be falling behind. This seems like poor product planning on Toontrack’s part, and I expected better from them. I reached out to them about this issue and received a disappointing corporate response.

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