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Your top three GO TO PLUGINS!!

Studio Corner
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  • Brad

    OK… if we’re not counting Superior as a plug-in because it’s “the drummer”…. however one that doesn’t bring beer to rehearsal…. then….

    McDSP Retro Pack…. (yes it’s 3…. but it’s bundled…. )
    EzMix or Izotope Alloy ( I bounce between the two)
    PSP Xenon (for presenting demo mixes)

    Close 4th is PSP EasyVerb… (which I use all the time)…..

    Mac Studio M1 Max, RAM 64 GB, 1TB Drive, OSX 12.x/13.x and Windows 10 (VM)
    DAW: Studio One Pro, Pro Tools Studio
    DTX Express III (Extreme triggers), Nektar LX88
    OWC Thunderbay Mini (4 X 1TB Sata SSD), Express 4M2 (4 X 2TB M.2 SSD), Envoy Express (1TB M.2 SSD)
    Presonus Quantum, Faderport & Faderport 8
    Black Lion Sparrow Mk2 A/D, FMR-RNP-RNC, MIDI Xpress 128, BM5A, KRK VXT4, Equator D5
    2020 Macbook Pro 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD Audio(mobile rig)

    Mark Williams

    Not to be a smartass, but I’m not sure there are any plugins I couldn’t live without, as long as I had some other options.

    Having said that, I’ll stop being pedantic and just answer the question!

    I’d say:
    1. Slate Digital VCC
    2. Waves API (yes, I know–technically 4 plugins)
    3. Cytomic’s The Glue

    If I could only have three, I’d feel pretty confident with those three.
    If I couldn’t have the API Collection, I’d trade it for the Waves V-Series in heartbeat.

    If I could only have ONE plugin for the coming year, it would probably be the Metric Halo Channelstrip. I could do a whole album with that plug alone, if need be.

    MBP 2.4 GHz | 4GB RAM | OSX 10.6.8 Logic Pro 9.1.5 | Metric Halo LIO-8/4P | Apogee ONE SD 2.3.0 | EZP 1.1.0 | Drumtracker 1.0.2


    I like
    – URS Console Strip Pro
    – Aether (reverb)
    – URS tape saturation

    John Braner
    and all the major streaming/download sites.
    Reaper 7 x64 (latest version), Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, AMD Ryzen 3950x, 32GB RAM, MSI MAG X570 Tomahawk Wifi mobo (not using wifi though), NVIDIA GEForce GT710 video card, MOTU Ultralite AVB audio interface


    Ello all,

    Fab Filter – Pro-Q

    Reason for use? Good EQ, relatively low latency even with the phase alignment switched on, good VU and the ability to see changes occurring as you make them. Also it’s true stereo which is nice 🙂 (once you got the fabfilter pack, you get a great bunch of other plugs aswell)

    Crysonic – SpectraPhy

    Great brickwall limiter limiter, whatever it does, it just sounds great for basic mixes, seeing how the track will handle mastering and works great on the parallel drum buss, good for the gluing process and seeing what’s sounding off

    And because you picked a “pack of plugins” up there in the beginning (and because I can’t decide hehehe)….

    Focusrite midnight/scarlett plugin pack – solid tools, great sounds, can’t really be overused and a deffo go to pack for mastering….

    Oh there are soooooooooooo many I could list that have been important for “just that little section” of a song, this is kind of a moot thread really.

    It’s nice to find out what others use, but me and the other guitarist often have this discussion and I think it all comes down to the useability of any given application, sure the ones with nicer GUI’s etc might get looked at first but you really gotta get the principals down and see which plugs (if any) suit YOUR ears and YOUR tastes

    Know your plugs!!!


    David @ VOLiTiAN


    Well my essential list of plugs is

    1. Cytomic’s The Glue (cheap but a really useful and versatile compressor and a mega low CPU hit allows dozens of instances if required)
    2. EZ Mix (Especially for building textures and quick solutions during recording (but reduced track latency issues and light cpu use allows mutiple instances without problems) with some replaced in the final mix.
    3. Adrenalinn Sync (By Roger Linn)

    Other contenders – anything on my UAD cards and Izotope Alloy.

    Happy New Year

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