So i’ve been playing drums my entire life but i’ve never recorded anything so far. But since my fingers have started to itch lately, i feel its time to start.
The problem is i dont know where. Since i essentially dont really know anything about recording drums, sampling, looping, creating beats or anything like that, i’d like some sweet advice from you all where to start.
I’ve got my eyes on both the Yamaha DTX500K digital drumset and the Studio One software. But, like any other drummer going from awesome acoustic to skeptic digital, i need the sound to be just as good. In truth, i actually hate samples, but i’ve heard that, unlike the other brands, yamaha uses only recorded drum-sounds when it comes to drums. As for the Studio One software.. I’ve only heard good things about it.
Anyway, i need some advice from you all on what the absolute best combination of Toontrack-softwares i can use for a maximum experience with a new digital drumset.
Here are is a sample on the type of music i want to record:
Middle class rut – Dead End
This song has some really heavy both snares and kicks. It’s not the sound itself i’m looking for, it’s the ability to produce sounds like that.
Also, pretty much any Tool-song there is.
So now, i need:
– A mixer good enough to reduce any lagg and also be able to record electric bass.
– Some kind of software to help make the drumming sounds better and more “fulfilling” (Toontrack)
Any kind of help is appreciated!