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Yamaha DTX 562K + EzDrummer 2 – Hi Hat triggering?

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    clicking the drums in the plugin interface triggers a full velocity hit (@127), which probably is the difference you are hearing.

    Have you selected the Yamaha MIDI Mapping in Settings>E-drums?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    Thanks for the reply. Yes I’ve selected the Yamaha midi mapping in E-Drums. According to the DTX502 module I am playing the hi hat at full 127 velocity but it sounds different to when clicking on the GUI?

    I’m going to try it out in Cubase to see what is happening.


    Should the transition in samples as the hi hat pedal opens be smooth or quite jumpy? Apparently the DTX502 module sends a full 127 velocity layers via midi but I’m only hearing a few different samples that don’t blend into each other very smoothly.


    It should be smooth.
    What version number is displayed in the plugin interface?
    Are you only sending full velocity hits? Or did you mean that you have checked that you send the entire range from 0 – 127?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @dickiefunk said:

    Should the transition in samples as the hi hat pedal opens be smooth or quite jumpy? Apparently the DTX502 module sends a full 127 velocity layers via midi but I’m only hearing a few different samples that don’t blend into each other very smoothly.

    From what i’ve noticed while trying to get my own 562k working is that the hh controller has about 4 trigger points, only thing is they are not the same up as they are down so you want to get them more in a range as opposed to exact.

    have you figured out how to get the cymbals choking btw??


    Thanks for the replies.

    Apparently the RHH135 with the DTX502 module is capable of a full 127 points via midi but the onboard sounds only have four?

    If this is true the. I would expect really smooth transition between samples throughout the hi hat pedals opening and closing?


    @dickiefunk said:

    Thanks for the replies.

    Apparently the RHH135 with the DTX502 module is capable of a full 127 points via midi but the onboard sounds only have four?

    If this is true the. I would expect really smooth transition between samples throughout the hi hat pedals opening and closing?

    Dude just grab midi ox and take a look at the midi data stream, like yes it has a range of 0-127 but doesnt mean it can register a sample change every +/-1
    and even with tech like continuous CC can only fill in so many gaps…

    ALSO any luck getting cymbal grabs to work??

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