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Yamaha DTX 450K & DTX Multipad-12

E-drum Workshop
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  • Ilja Körrer

    Hi Dave,
    I think the problem depends on the Midinote that ist sent by your mididevices.
    I think they both send the same Midinotes. You might change the Midinotes or the Midichannel on your device.

    This is my suggestion to your problem.

    Greets Ilja


    @derilja said:
    Hi Dave,
    I think the problem depends on the Midinote that ist sent by your mididevices.
    I think they both send the same Midinotes. You might change the Midinotes or the Midichannel on your device.

    This is my suggestion to your problem.

    Greets Ilja  

    Thanks for the reply,not to sure how to do this?

    Ilja Körrer

    I’m not firm on yamaha products. But for example on a roland drumbrain you have the possibility, in the setup for every different drum you choose, to select the midinote that is send. I think you will find a solution for this on the internet or youtube.
    Maybe I can find a vid and send the link to it.
    By the way, if you just started on vst drumming, youtube will become your best friend, beside the guys here at toontrack 😉

    Greets. Ilja


    @derilja said:
    I’m not firm on yamaha products. But for example on a roland drumbrain you have the possibility, in the setup for every different drum you choose, to select the midinote that is send. I think you will find a solution for this on the internet or youtube.
    Maybe I can find a vid and send the link to it.
    By the way, if you just started on vst drumming, youtube will become your best friend, beside the guys here at toontrack 😉

    Greets. Ilja  

    many thanks I am off to youtube to try and start climbing this steep learning curveConfused

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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