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Will Toontrack (EZkeys) release a Hammond B3 organ as a new instrument?

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  • Lee Shapiro

    That’s a tough field to break into, even for Toontrack.  Especially lately when there are so many excellent choices already to choose from.

    IK Multimedia just released B-3X, which has gotten rave reviews, and is the only B3 emulator approved by Hammond corporation.
    Then there’s GG Audio’s Blue 3 (my personal favorite, and my go-to Hammond/Leslie emulator)
    GSi VB3-II, although I think version one sounds better.
    Arturia’s B-3V and  AIR’s DB-33 both are decent as well.
    Along with some older emulators, that still are many user’s favorites:
    Native Instruments B4-II, which was one of the first emulators to really capture that Hammond/ Leslie sound.  Unfortunately NI made the poor decision to discontinue that plugin and released Vintage Organs, which is a big step down from the B4-II

    Prices vary, but for $100, you really can’t go wrong with Blue 3.

    (Just my opinions, and personal favorites. I’m not affiliated with any of these companies)
    And if Toontrack can create something that can compete with some of these excellent plugins, well then more power to them.  So far everything Toontrack has produced has been in a winner in my book.


    Thanked by: JavaJeff
    Sjaak Strik

    Hello Lee,

    Thank you so much for your fast and very clear and objective reply on my question. I am very sure if Toontrack will go for it they will succeed. I am now saving my money for the grand piano and studio grand from Toontrack. I have some plug-ins but they can’t beat the sound of Toontrack. I wil also check the plug-ins you mentioned concerned the Hammond B3. I wish you and all the  crewmembers of Toontrack the best. Keep on the good work. Again, I am very happy with the plug-ins and midi packs I so far own. Greetings from The Netherlands!



    Thanked by: Lee Shapiro
    Zen Blues

    Hey everyone,

    There’s no doubt that there are great emulations out there (even free ones) but I think the strong suit of EZ and what Sjaak refers too is the “player” section and midi packs, as it is a great tool for producers and songwriters that don’t play keys. A Hammond organ is in the top 5 instrument that you will find in any pop/rock production as it fills the space really well and it is so versatile.

    It is really curious to me the Toontrack hasn’t jump in this territory yet, it must be something referred to the way they sample stuff that makes the B3 more complicated than the rest. I mean, they have a Pipe Organ emulation!, I don’t see how in any case somebody will use that more than a Hammond organ. This guys are based on Sweden I believe, maybe there is a big scene for Pipe Organs over there? 😛

    Anyways I would jump into any B3 emulation Toontrack would make right away, as I currently using the piano one to lay down some chord pads and then edit/change the midi files with the B3 Protools plugin.


    PS1: if you type ‘Hammond” on the Toontrack search, it gets back with tons of “When does TT planning to release a B3?” post of all sorts.

    PS2: it seems to be that TT has a big market among Metal folks, which would explain the Pipe Organ emu, as those folks really love those medieval stuff 😉


    Thanked by: Stephan Katmarian and Steve
    Jerry McKenzie

    I agree, the Hammond organ is a staple of recorded music and Toontrack has always done a SUPERB job with their VSTs.  It’s “nice” that they have a Pipe Organ but really, no Hammond?  Makes no sense to me.


    Thanked by: Stephan Katmarian

    Yep, need a B3.  It’s an obvious hole in the current palette of sounds (especially given the Reggae expansions :-))

    Don Bazinet

    Adding my vote for a Hammond, or better yet a collection of 60s organs that includes the B3, Vox Continental, and a Farfisa. I’d buy today.

    Don Bazinet

    I’ve been searching through the forum for Hammond requests, there are tons dating back at least 5 years. I don’t want to wait without any indication that this request will be addressed, so I’m going to buy the NI offering for $100. Not a complaint, just a data point for Toontracks.

    • This post was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Don Bazinet.

    That looks really good. Thanks for the heads up. Might do the same this weekend.

    HAMMOND® B-3
    HAMMOND® C-3
    HAMMOND® M-3
    VOX Continental™ II
    FARFISA® Compact

    Phenix 2

    I don’t need that

    i have Gband with amazing simulations and EHX B9 and C9 and more with Ehx

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    Hey everyone,

    There’s no doubt that there are great emulations out there (even free ones) but I think the strong suit of EZ and what Sjaak refers too is the “player” section and midi packs, as it is a great tool for producers and songwriters that don’t play keys. A Hammond organ is in the top 5 instrument that you will find in any pop/rock production as it fills the space really well and it is so versatile.

    It is really curious to me the Toontrack hasn’t jump in this territory yet, it must be something referred to the way they sample stuff that makes the B3 more complicated than the rest. I mean, they have a Pipe Organ emulation!, I don’t see how in any case somebody will use that more than a Hammond organ. This guys are based on Sweden I believe, maybe there is a big scene for Pipe Organs over there? 😛

    Anyways I would jump into any B3 emulation Toontrack would make right away, as I currently using the piano one to lay down some chord pads and then edit/change the midi files with the B3 Protools plugin.


    PS1: if you type ‘Hammond” on the Toontrack search, it gets back with tons of “When does TT planning to release a B3?” post of all sorts.

    PS2: it seems to be that TT has a big market among Metal folks, which would explain the Pipe Organ emu, as those folks really love those medieval stuff 😉

    Absolutely. That’s precisely what I’m looking for.

    Midi packs that play in the style of Hammond players.

    Please Toontrack take note.


    Thanked by: prafle

    Any news ?

    Guess not:

    Billy 86

    The tone wheel organ, of which the Hammond line is, was developed to create essentially a portable pipe organ in the way back because they were so massive. I don’t have TT’s pipe organ. But if it has accompanying MIDI, might those performances be adaptable to trigger 3rd party Hammond emulations? Just a thought until when/if TT releases one.

    SD3, EZD, EZ Keys 1&2, EZ Bass. Win10, i9/9900, all SSDs, 64g RAM, Cakewalk, Studio One


    Adding my vote to this upswelling chorus! Me too, I want a B3 or similar. As a previous poster said, it’s the EZK player that  makes TT such a go-to choice for me. As I’m a guitar player and not a keyboard player, the way TT lets me easily add keyboard parts to a song makes it a fantastic tool. True, other plug-ins have great B3/ organ sounds, but TT has this unique player interface.

    So, in the meantime, until the good folks at TT get the pop/ soul organ memo, anyone have the best workaround for quickly adding chord washes with TT that can translate into organ parts to use with other plug-ins?  Best I’ve come up with is using the mellotron, ceating simple chords, then exporting as midi  to another organ plug-in. It’s been a while since I tried this but I seem to remember that it did not work that brilliantly!


    Thanks Zen Blues, it’s the player that’s key. I couldn’t remember who had made that point til after the post!

    • This post was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Steve.
    Stephan Katmarian

    Toontrack please please please add add an organ ezx and midi packs!  Would be so useful.  Thank you!

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