Hi guys! Im new here and have some questions before buying SD3 (or buying a new pc)
I bought the Roland VAD506 and I want to use SD3 for playing/practicing live. My Macbook Air 2017 comes with:
- 1.8 GHz Intel Core I5, 2 cores Processor
- 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM
- 512 or 1 tera SSD (have to upgrade it yet)
1) Is it enough for running Superior Drummer 3 with no issues (latency, etc)?
2) I am not going to (at least initially) use it for recording tracks, so as far as I understand I have to use the standalone program only, right? I Guess I don’t need a DAW for playing live.
3) Do I need an Audio Interfase? Or should be ok with TD-27 module –> USB –> Macbook with SD3 running –> speakers/amp/monitor ?
Thanks for your help!