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will all EZD2 and SD2 grooves and kits work in SD3?

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • Scott

    @profirhino said:

    ah, I see, so those floating gizmos are considered generic images ?
    stunning, innovative design – will make a lasting impression on clients !
    you’re right, so ED loads with these whatevers, but there’s still that unnerving popup when loading.
    and you’re also correct – it does not show up in the kit piece browser.
    May I suggest Toontrack & Platinum get together behind the scenes and fix this great library asap, should not be the end of the world, considering it’s the only 3rd party library, and it will make both parties look more professional …

    Not even so little luck with EZD though, the drum kits are entirely absent, the Cocktail is in the list but shows the error overlay and then proceeds to nirvana.

    thanks for pointing that out, Micah !

    If you didn’t upgrade from EZD1 to EZD2, then you wouldn’t have the Pop/Rock EZX. Only EZXs will load in S3 so the original EZD1 (and Superior 1 sounds) won’t load in S3. You can, of course, still load them in S2 so you’ll still have access to them.

    As for The Evil Drums SDX, Evil Drums is a Platinum Samples product. If Platinum Samples wants to produce an update to the library they are free to contact Toontrack and work on an update. For now, you’ll just need to click the OK button when prompted to update. There will be an update to S3 to remove that prompt.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    no, of course I did not buy EZD 2.
    why would I, I’m using the flagship, or so I thought.
    how about a sound update that unlocks our bought content again, like you obviously did for the consumer product ?
    going by what you wrote, it’s not a tech problem, only a licensing oversight that should be easy enough to resolve.

    about Evil Drums, I stand by what I wrote.
    Resolving this issue quickly is very much in Toontrack’s best interest as well, so this is not the time to point fingers.
    I couldn’t care less about pictures, but Micah’s issue is a biggie.
    don’t know if there are other hidden issues yet, still will be downloading for a few days.

    at first glance SD3 seems to be a really healthy upgrade that addresses lots of age-old user complaints in pretty elegant ways, so why stop at 95% instead of going all Mercedes and fixing these annoyances, pdf manual, maybe one or two others, once and for all the way that benefits your users ?
    small issues for you maybe, big arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh for us.


    oh, while we’re at it – that downloader thing not having an option for offline authorization caused quite some headscratching here, too.


    I’m not a programmer so I don’t know the technical reasons why the EZD1 libraries can’t be updated to work in S3. I’ve just been told then can’t be.

    As for Evil Drums, again, I’m relaying the dialogue regarding the situation as it was explained to me by Toontrack. I really have nothing else to add. You can contact them directly via the FAQ section of the forum if you’d like to discuss it further with them.

    Also, here’s a link to the S3 manual they can be browsed from any online computer

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @Scott said:
    I’m not a programmer so I don’t know the technical reasons why the EZD1 libraries can’t be updated to work in S3. I’ve just been told then can’t be.

    As for Evil Drums, again, I’m relaying the dialogue regarding the situation as it was explained to me by Toontrack. I really have nothing else to add. You can contact them directly via the FAQ section of the forum if you’d like to discuss it further with them.

    Also, here’s a link to the S3 manual they can be browsed from any online computer  

    may I politely suggest to read what I wrote, please ?
    going by your own replies above, the EZD 1 library dilemma was solved by giving EZD 2 users access to that ominous Pop/Rock EZX, which again by your own words, loads fine in S3.0.
    So no tech trickery is needed at all, just treat us few EZD1 + S3 users the same as the EZD 2 consumers and give us access to that Pop/Rock EZX too, easy, quick and only fair. Make it NFR if you want.
    We won’t get any extra content that way, we only won’t get locked out artificially from content we paid for (and not least, helped make the company become what it is now. Hell, I got onboard with the S1 launch, and currently have 77 registered products in my account !)

    and I explained in detail above and in the manual thread why there needs to be a pdf version for offline users, how downloading of the online help doesn’t work and how it would be way over the head of the average user anyway ?
    So yet another link to that online thing is not helpful or on topic at all.

    I think these are very reasonable requests, and super easy to solve too.
    Here you are with what looks like a really solid, major update – so why not work out the few little kinks together with us customers, instead of following the reflex to brush off any and all justified criticism with strawman arguments ?
    Hell, we’ve been in this same boat together for 13 years or more now, about time to talk straight.



    How is a link to the online manual and how to save it offline and even print a hard copy not on topic? Sounds like a reasonable solution to those users without an online machine.

    My studio machine is not online. I have downloaded the manual onto my laptop that is online.

    As for giving Pop/Rock EZXs to users…maybe that will happen. I don’t know. I’m just the messenger. Not the policy maker. Like I said, contacting Toontrack directly via the FAQ and explaining your concerns is far likely to achieve the results you want.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @Scott said:
    How is a link to the online manual and how to save it offline and even print a hard copy not on topic? Sounds like a reasonable solution to those users without an online machine.

    My studio machine is not online. I have downloaded the manual onto my laptop that is online.

    As for giving Pop/Rock EZXs to users…maybe that will happen. I don’t know. I’m just the messenger. Not the policy maker. Like I said, contacting Toontrack directly via the FAQ and explaining your concerns is far likely to achieve the results you want.  

    nothing personal, Scott, far from it.
    the forum’s better than a support ticket, as here is actual discussion.
    make no mistake, I value a strong opponent way more than a clueless claqueur …
    I fight hard, but I try to listen closely to valid counter arguments too.
    which does not automatically include all official company speak … Laugh

    the link was not helpful, as what I wrote implies I’m already familiar with the online version.
    and I also had explained before how the web version prevents dozens, maybe up to 100 images to be included.
    It’s not un-mht’s fault (that’s the related Firefox addon), as it constructs a near perfect, browsable offline version, including working internal links (!), but ends up listing all those images as unobtainium.
    makes you wonder how this geek stuff is supposed to work for the average user …
    musicians don’t need to be computer nerds, and many of the best ones I know wouldn’t dream of combining internet and recording.
    the solution would be so simple – keep that online thingy you’re so proud of, but add a proper downloadable pdf.
    A pdf that is worthy of the high standards of the product, instead of promoting the circulation of hundreds of half-baked, almost working DIY versions.
    You can always include that online link with the hint “you can always find the most recent version here”.
    And finally, a pdf is valuable pre-purchase info too.



    just authorized all my stuff on a new machine and noticed there’s still no EzD1 compatibility update / Pop/Rock EZX license in my account.

    seriously, Toontrack ?

    are we flagship users worth less than the consumers with EzD2, who got that update right away, no questions asked ?

    I paid for my EzD1 exactly like they did, and paid a lot more to get the better player …

    what’s up with that ?

    not amused,


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