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Why SD3 remap note 38 to 33 whe using Positional Sensing?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Jorg

    Ok, beginning to understand the midi cc…. the edrumin behaves as a roland module which supports positional sensing, the snare hits are always note 38 and the cc sends the PS, so no need to select or activate the 3 zone “Multiple Snare Zones” in the midi mapping, one needs to select a roland module like td-30 or td-50 preset and then the positional sensing send by the edrumin works ok.


    Hi Jorg,

    I have an eDrumin unit coming and will be using it directly with SD3 as well. Hopefully, with PS on the snare (A2E) kit.

    What’s your studio setup (computer/interface) and how’s your latency?


    Original DFH user


    using a mac with 5.2 ms latency

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